Panel 1.4 has just been released! Checkout the release notes and support Panel by giving it a 🌟 on Github.


Panel is completely open source, available under a BSD license freely for both commercial and non-commercial use. Panel was originally developed at Anaconda Inc. using funding from various commercial and government partners, and is now maintained by Anaconda developers along with community contributors.

Panel is part of the HoloViz family of tools. The website shows how to use Panel together with other libraries to solve complex problems, with detailed tutorials and examples. You can see a variety of projects using Panel at, and you can compare Panel to other available tools at or on the Explanation > Comparisons page.

If you have any questions or usage issues visit the Panel Discourse site. If you are interested in contributing to Panel development to help address some of the open issues, see our developer instructions to set up your development environment.

If you like Panel and have built something you want to share, tweet a link or screenshot of your latest creation at @Panel_org, along with any other library you used (@HoloViews, @Datashader, @BokehPlots, @Matplotlib, etc.). Thanks!