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import panel as pn


The Dial is a value indicator providing a visual representation of a value as a simple radial dial.


For details on other options for customizing the component see the layout and styling how-to guides.

  • annulus_width (int, default=10): Width of the gauge annulus.

  • bounds (tuple, default=(0, 100)): The upper and lower bound of the dial.

  • colors (list): Color thresholds for the Gauge, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.

  • default_color (str, default=’lightblue’): Color to use if no color threshold are supplied to the color parameter

  • end_angle (float or int, default=-45) Angle at which the gauge ends.

  • format str(str, default=’{value}%’): Formatting string for the value indicator.

  • nan_format str(str, default=’-‘): How to format nan values.

  • needle_color (str, default=’black): Color of the needle.

  • needle_width (float, default=0.1): Radial width of needle in radians.

  • start_angle (float or int, default=225): Angle at which the gauge starts.

  • tick_size (int): Font size of the tick labels.

  • title_size (int): Font size of the title.

  • unfilled_color (str, default=’whitesmoke’): Color of the unfilled region of the Dial

  • value (float or int, default=25): Value to indicate on the dial a value within the declared bounds.

  • value_size (str): Font size of value label.

The simplest form of a Gauge just requires setting a value which must be within the bounds. The default formatter and bounds assume you are providing a percentage:

pn.indicators.Dial(name='Failure Rate', value=10, bounds=(0, 100))

If we want to display some other value such as the revolutions per minute of an engine we can set a different bounds value and override the format. Additionally we may also provide a different set of colors defining the threshold points at which the color should change as a fraction of the provided bounds. The colors accepts a list of tuples defining the fractions and the color:

    name='Engine', value=2500, bounds=(0, 3000), format='{value} rpm',
    colors=[(0.2, 'green'), (0.8, 'gold'), (1, 'red')]

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