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import panel as pn
import time


The Placeholder pane serves as a placeholder for other Panel components. It can be used to display a message while a computation is running, for example.


For details on other options for customizing the component see the layout and styling how-to guides.

  • object (Any): The Panel object to display, if object is not already a Panel object it will be converted with the panel(...) function.

The Placeholder pane can accept any Panel component as its argument, including other panes.

placeholder = pn.pane.Placeholder("Hello")

The benefit of using a Placeholder is that it allows you to replace the content of the pane without being restricted to a specific type of component. This means you can replace the placeholder with any other pane type, including plots, images, and widgets. You may either use the update method:

placeholder.update(pn.widgets.TextInput(value="Hello again!"))

or set the object directly:

placeholder.object = "Hello once more!"

If you’d like to temporarily replace the contents, you can use it as a context manager.

placeholder = pn.pane.Placeholder("⏳ Idle", stylesheets=[":host { font-size: 24pt }"])

Upon execution of the cell below, the Placeholder pane will display Starting..., Running..., and Complete! in sequence, with a 1 second pause between each message, before finally displaying Idle again.

with placeholder:
    placeholder.update("🚀 Starting...")
    placeholder.update("🏃 Running...")
    placeholder.update("✅ Complete!")

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