panel.pane package#
- panel.pane.alert module
- panel.pane.base module
- panel.pane.deckgl module
- panel.pane.echarts module
- panel.pane.equation module
- panel.pane.holoviews module
- panel.pane.image module
- panel.pane.ipywidget module
- panel.pane.markup module
- module
- panel.pane.perspective module
- panel.pane.placeholder module
- panel.pane.plot module
- panel.pane.plotly module
- panel.pane.streamz module
- panel.pane.textual module
- panel.pane.vega module
- panel.pane.vizzu module
Module contents#
Panel panes renders the Python objects you know and love β€οΈ#
Panes may render anything including plots, text, images, equations etc.
For example Panel contains Bokeh, HoloViews, Matplotlib and Plotly panes.
Check out the Panel gallery of panes for inspiration.
How to use Panel panes in 2 simple steps#
Define your Python objects
>>> some_python_object = ...
>>> another_python_object = ...
Define your panes
>>> pn.pane.SomePane(some_python_object).servable()
>>> pn.pane.AnotherPane(another_python_object).servable()
Most often you donβt have to wrap your Python object into a specific pane. Just add your Python object to pn.panel, pn.Column, pn.Row or other layouts, then Panel will automatically wrap it in the right pane.
For more detail see the Getting Started Guide
- class panel.pane.Alert(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Alert pane allows providing contextual feedback messages for typical user actions. The Alert supports markdown strings.
- Example:
>>> Alert('Some important message', alert_type='warning')
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.markup.Markdown
: dedent, disable_math, extensions, hard_line_break, plugins, renderer, renderer_optionsalert_type = Selector(default='primary', label='Alert type', names={}, objects=['primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'info', 'light', 'dark'])
- class panel.pane.Audio(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Audio pane displays an audio player given a local or remote audio file, a NumPy Array or Torch Tensor.
The pane also allows access and control over the player state including toggling of playing/paused and loop state, the current time, and the volume.
The audio player supports ogg, mp3, and wav files
If SciPy is installed, 1-dim Numpy Arrays and 1-dim Torch Tensors are also supported. The dtype must be one of the following
numpy: np.int16, np.uint16, np.float32, np.float64
torch: torch.short, torch.int16, torch.half, torch.float16, torch.float, torch.float32,
torch.double, torch.float64
The array or Tensor input will be downsampled to 16bit and converted to a wav file by SciPy.
- Example:
>>> Audio('', name='Audio')
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin,
: loop, time, throttle, paused, volume, autoplay, mutedobject = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, class_=(<class 'str'>, <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, <class ''>), default='', label='Object')
The audio file either local or remote, a 1-dim NumPy ndarray or a 1-dim Torch Tensor.
sample_rate = Integer(default=44100, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Sample rate')
The sample_rate of the audio when given a NumPy array or Torch tensor.
- class panel.pane.Bokeh(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Bokeh pane allows displaying any displayable Bokeh model inside a Panel app.
- Example:
>>> Bokeh(some_bokeh_figure)
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectautodispatch = Boolean(default=True, label='Autodispatch')
Whether to automatically dispatch events inside bokeh on_change and on_event callbacks in the notebook.
theme = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'bokeh.themes.theme.Theme'>, <class 'str'>), label='Theme')
Bokeh theme to apply to the plot.
- class panel.pane.DataFrame(object=None, **params)[source]#
The DataFrame pane renders pandas, dask and streamz DataFrame types using their custom HTML repr.
In the case of a streamz DataFrame the rendered data will update periodically.
- Example:
>>> DataFrame(df, index=False, max_rows=25, width=400)
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.markup.HTML
: disable_math, sanitize_html, sanitize_hookbold_rows = Boolean(default=True, label='Bold rows')
Make the row labels bold in the output.
border = Integer(default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Border')
attribute is included in the opening <table> tag.classes = List(bounds=(0, None), default=['panel-df'], label='Classes')
CSS class(es) to apply to the resulting html table.
col_space = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'str'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'dict'>), label='Col space')
The minimum width of each column in CSS length units. An int is assumed to be px units.
decimal = String(default='.', label='Decimal')
Character recognized as decimal separator, e.g. β,β in Europe.
escape = Boolean(default=True, label='Escape')
Whether or not to escape the dataframe HTML. For security reasons the default value is True.
float_format = Callable(allow_None=True, label='Float format')
Formatter function to apply to columnsβ elements if they are floats. The result of this function must be a unicode string.
formatters = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>), label='Formatters')
Formatter functions to apply to columnsβ elements by position or name. The result of each function must be a unicode string.
header = Boolean(default=True, label='Header')
Whether to print column labels.
index = Boolean(default=True, label='Index')
Whether to print index (row) labels.
index_names = Boolean(default=True, label='Index names')
Prints the names of the indexes.
justify = Selector(allow_None=True, label='Justify', names={}, objects=['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify', 'justify-all', 'start', 'end', 'inherit', 'match-parent', 'initial', 'unset'])
How to justify the column labels.
max_rows = Integer(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Max rows')
Maximum number of rows to display.
max_cols = Integer(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Max cols')
Maximum number of columns to display.
na_rep = String(default='NaN', label='Na rep')
String representation of NAN to use.
render_links = Boolean(default=False, label='Render links')
Convert URLs to HTML links.
show_dimensions = Boolean(default=False, label='Show dimensions')
Display DataFrame dimensions (number of rows by number of columns).
sparsify = Boolean(default=True, label='Sparsify')
Set to False for a DataFrame with a hierarchical index to print every multi-index key at each row.
text_align = Selector(label='Text align', names={}, objects=['start', 'end', 'center'])
Alignment of non-header cells.
_object = Parameter(allow_None=True, label=' object')
Hidden parameter.
- class panel.pane.DeckGL(object=None, **params)[source]#
The DeckGL pane renders the JSON specification as well as PyDeck plots inside a panel. is a very powerful WebGL-powered framework for visual exploratory data analysis of large datasets.
- Example:
>>> pn.extension('deckgl') >>> DeckGL( ... some_deckgl_dict_or_pydeck_object, ... mapbox_api_key=MAPBOX_KEY, height=600 ... )
- Attributes:
- priority
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectmapbox_api_key = String(allow_None=True, label='Mapbox api key')
The MapBox API key if not supplied by a PyDeck object.
tooltips = ClassSelector(class_=(<class 'bool'>, <class 'dict'>), default=True, label='Tooltips')
Whether to enable tooltips
configuration = String(default='', label='Configuration')
Custom configuration dictionary as json string
click_state = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Click state')
Contains the last click event on the DeckGL plot.
hover_state = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Hover state')
The current hover state of the DeckGL plot.
view_state = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='View state')
The current view state of the DeckGL plot.
throttle = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={'view': 200, 'hover': 200}, label='Throttle')
Throttling timeout (in milliseconds) for view state and hover events sent from the frontend.
- classmethod applies(obj: Any) float | bool | None [source]#
Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.
- priority: ClassVar[float | bool | None] = None#
- class panel.pane.ECharts(object=None, **params)[source]#
ECharts panes allow rendering echarts.js dictionaries and pyecharts plots.
- Example:
>>> pn.extension('echarts') >>> ECharts(some_echart_dict_or_pyecharts_object, height=480, width=640)
- Attributes:
- priority
(obj, **params)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
(event, callback[, query])Register a Javascript event handler which triggers when the specified event is triggered.
(event, callback[, query])Register anevent handler which triggers when the specified event is triggered.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutobject = Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label='Object')
The Echarts object being wrapped. Can be an Echarts dictionary or a pyecharts chart
options = Parameter(allow_None=True, label='Options')
An optional dict of options passed to Echarts.setOption. Allows to fine-tune the rendering behavior. For example, you might want to use options={ βreplaceMergeβ: [βseriesβ] }) when updating the objects with a value containing a smaller number of series.
renderer = Selector(default='canvas', label='Renderer', names={}, objects=['canvas', 'svg'])
Whether to render as HTML canvas or SVG
theme = Selector(default='default', label='Theme', names={}, objects=['default', 'light', 'dark'])
Theme to apply to plots.
- classmethod applies(obj: Any, **params) float | bool | None [source]#
Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.
- js_on_event(event: str, callback: str | CustomJS, query: str | None = None, **args)[source]#
Register a Javascript event handler which triggers when the specified event is triggered. The callback can be a snippet of Javascript code or a bokeh CustomJS object making it possible to manipulate other models in response to an event.
- Parameters:
- event: str
The name of the event to register a handler on, e.g. βclickβ.
- code: str
The event handler to be executed when the event fires.
- query: str | None
A query that determines when the event fires.
- args: Viewable
A dictionary of Viewables to make available in the namespace of the object.
- on_event(event: str, callback: Callable, query: str | None = None)[source]#
Register anevent handler which triggers when the specified event is triggered.
- Parameters:
- event: str
The name of the event to register a handler on, e.g. βclickβ.
- callback: str | CustomJS
The event handler to be executed when the event fires.
- query: str | None
A query that determines when the event fires.
- priority: ClassVar[float | bool | None] = None#
- class panel.pane.GIF(object=None, **params)[source]#
The GIF pane embeds a .gif image file in a panel if provided a local path, or will link to a remote image if provided a URL.
- Example:
>>> GIF( ... '', ... alt_text='A loading spinner', ... link_url='', ... width=500 ... )
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.image.FileBase
: embedpanel.pane.image.ImageBase
: alt_text, caption, fixed_aspect, link_url
- class panel.pane.HTML(object=None, **params)[source]#
HTML panes renders HTML strings and objects with a _repr_html_ method.
The height and width can optionally be specified, to allow room for whatever is being wrapped.
- Example:
>>> HTML( ... "<h1>This is a HTML pane</h1>", ... styles={'background-color': '#F6F6F6'} ... )
- Attributes:
- priority
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingdisable_math = Boolean(allow_refs=True, default=True, label='Disable math')
Whether to disable support for MathJax math rendering for strings escaped with $$ delimiters.
sanitize_html = Boolean(allow_refs=True, default=False, label='Sanitize html')
Whether to sanitize HTML sent to the frontend.
sanitize_hook = Callable(allow_refs=True, label='Sanitize hook')
Sanitization callback to apply if sanitize_html=True.
- classmethod applies(obj: Any) float | bool | None [source]#
Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.
- priority: ClassVar[float | bool | None] = None#
- class panel.pane.HoloViews(object=None, **params)[source]#
HoloViews panes render any HoloViews object using the currently selected backend (βbokehβ (default), βmatplotlibβ or βplotlyβ).
To be able to use the plotly backend you must add plotly to pn.extension.
- Example:
>>> HoloViews(some_holoviews_object)
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
(target[, code, args, bidirectional])Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectbackend = Selector(label='Backend', names={}, objects=['bokeh', 'matplotlib', 'plotly'])
The HoloViews backend used to render the plot (if None defaults to the currently selected renderer).
center = Boolean(default=False, label='Center')
Whether to center the plot.
format = Selector(default='png', label='Format', names={}, objects=['png', 'svg'])
The format to render Matplotlib plots with.
linked_axes = Boolean(default=True, label='Linked axes')
Whether to link the axes of bokeh plots inside this pane across a panel layout.
renderer = Parameter(allow_None=True, label='Renderer')
Explicit renderer instance to use for rendering the HoloViews plot. Overrides the backend.
theme = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'bokeh.themes.theme.Theme'>, <class 'str'>), label='Theme')
Bokeh theme to apply to the HoloViews plot.
widget_location = Selector(default='right_top', label='Widget location', names={}, objects=['left', 'bottom', 'right', 'top', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'left_top', 'left_bottom', 'right_top', 'right_bottom'])
The layout of the plot and the widgets. The value refers to the position of the widgets relative to the plot.
widget_layout = Selector(constant=True, default=<class 'panel.layout.base.WidgetBox'>, label='Widget layout', names={}, objects=[<class 'panel.layout.base.WidgetBox'>, <class 'panel.layout.base.Row'>, <class 'panel.layout.base.Column'>])
The layout object to display the widgets in.
widget_type = Selector(default='individual', label='Widget type', names={}, objects=['individual', 'scrubber'])
) Whether to generate individual widgets for each dimension or on global scrubber.
widgets = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Widgets')
A mapping from dimension name to a widget instance which will be used to override the default widgets.
- classmethod applies(obj: Any) float | bool | None [source]#
Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.
- jslink(target, code=None, args=None, bidirectional=False, **links)[source]#
Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.
Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.
- Parameters:
- target: panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned
The target to link the value to.
- code: dict
Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.
- args: dict
A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback
- bidirectional: boolean
Whether to link source and target bi-directionally
- links: dict
A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.
- Returns:
- link: GenericLink
The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.
- class panel.pane.ICO(object=None, **params)[source]#
The ICO pane embeds an .ico image file in a panel if provided a local path, or will link to a remote image if provided a URL.
- Example:
>>> ICO( ... some_url, ... alt_text='An .ico file', ... link_url='', ... width=50 ...
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.image.FileBase
: embedpanel.pane.image.ImageBase
: alt_text, caption, fixed_aspect, link_url
- class panel.pane.IPyLeaflet(object=None, **params)[source]#
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutpanel.pane.ipywidget.IPyWidget
: objectsizing_mode = Selector(default='stretch_width', label='Sizing mode', names={}, objects=['fixed', 'stretch_width', 'stretch_height', 'stretch_both', 'scale_width', 'scale_height', 'scale_both', None])
How the component should size itself. This is a high-level setting for maintaining width and height of the component. To gain more fine grained control over sizing, use
instead (those take precedence oversizing_mode
Component is not responsive. It will retain its original width and height regardless of any subsequent browser window resize events."stretch_width"
Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available width, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The height of the component depends on the type of the component and may be fixed or fit to componentβs contents."stretch_height"
Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available height, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The width of the component depends on the type of the component and may be fixed or fit to componentβs contents."stretch_both"
Component is completely responsive, independently in width and height, and will occupy all the available horizontal and vertical space, even if this changes the aspect ratio of the component."scale_width"
Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available width, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio."scale_height"
Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available height, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio."scale_both"
Component will responsively resize to both the available width and height, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio.
- class panel.pane.IPyWidget(object=None, **params)[source]#
The IPyWidget pane renders any ipywidgets model both in the notebook and in a deployed server.
When rendering ipywidgets on the server you must add ipywidgets to pn.extension. You must not do this in Jupyterlab as this may render Jupyterlab unusable.
- Example:
>>> IPyWidget(some_ipywidget)
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutobject = Parameter(allow_None=True, label='Object')
The IPywidget being wrapped, which will be converted to a Bokeh model.
- class panel.pane.Interactive(object=None, **params)[source]#
- Attributes:
- priority
(object)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutobject = Parameter(allow_None=True, label='Object')
The object being wrapped, which will be converted to a Bokeh model.
- classmethod applies(object: Any) float | bool | None [source]#
Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.
- priority: ClassVar[float | bool | None] = None#
- class panel.pane.JPG(object=None, **params)[source]#
The JPG pane embeds a .jpg or .jpeg image file in a panel if provided a local path, or will link to a remote image if provided a URL.
- Example:
>>> JPG( ... '', ... alt_text='A nice tree', ... link_url='', ... width=500 ... )
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.image.FileBase
: embedpanel.pane.image.ImageBase
: alt_text, caption, fixed_aspect, link_url
- class panel.pane.JSON(object=None, **params)[source]#
The JSON pane allows rendering arbitrary JSON strings, dicts and other json serializable objects in a panel.
- Example:
>>> JSON(json_obj, theme='light', height=300, width=500)
- Attributes:
- priority
(obj, **params)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingdepth = Integer(bounds=(-1, None), default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Depth')
Depth to which the JSON tree will be expanded on initialization.
encoder = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'json.encoder.JSONEncoder'>, label='Encoder')
Custom JSONEncoder class used to serialize objects to JSON string.
hover_preview = Boolean(default=False, label='Hover preview')
Whether to display a hover preview for collapsed nodes.
theme = Selector(default='light', label='Theme', names={}, objects=['light', 'dark'])
If no value is provided, it defaults to the current theme set by pn.config.theme, as specified in the JSON.THEME_CONFIGURATION dictionary. If not defined there, it falls back to the default parameter value.
- classmethod applies(obj: Any, **params) float | bool | None [source]#
Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.
- priority: ClassVar[float | bool | None] = None#
- class panel.pane.LaTeX(object=None, **params)[source]#
The LaTeX pane allows rendering LaTeX equations. It uses either KaTeX or MathJax depending on the defined renderer.
By default it will use the renderer loaded in the extension (e.g. pn.extension(βkatexβ)), defaulting to KaTeX if both are loaded.
- Example:
>>> pn.extension('katex') >>> LaTeX( ... 'The LaTeX pane supports two delimiters: $LaTeX$ and \(LaTeX\)', ... styles={'font-size': '18pt'}, width=800 ... )
- Attributes:
- priority
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectrenderer = Selector(allow_None=True, label='Renderer', names={}, objects=['katex', 'mathjax'])
The JS renderer used to render the LaTeX expression. Defaults to katex.
- classmethod applies(obj: Any) float | bool | None [source]#
Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.
- priority: ClassVar[float | bool | None] = None#
- class panel.pane.Markdown(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Markdown pane allows rendering arbitrary markdown strings in a panel.
It renders strings containing valid Markdown as well as objects with a _repr_markdown_ method, and may define custom CSS styles.
- Example:
>>> Markdown("# This is a header")
- Attributes:
- priority
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingdedent = Boolean(default=True, label='Dedent')
Whether to dedent common whitespace across all lines.
disable_math = Boolean(default=False, label='Disable math')
Whether to disable support for MathJax math rendering for strings escaped with $$ delimiters.
extensions = List(bounds=(0, None), default=['extra', 'smarty', 'codehilite'], label='Extensions', nested_refs=True)
Markdown extension to apply when transforming markup. Does not apply if renderer is set to βmarkdown-itβ or βmystβ.
hard_line_break = Boolean(default=False, label='Hard line break')
Whether simple new lines are rendered as hard line breaks. False by default to conform with the original Markdown spec. Not supported by the βmystβ renderer.
plugins = List(bounds=(0, None), default=[], label='Plugins', nested_refs=True)
Additional markdown-it-py plugins to use.
renderer = Selector(default='markdown-it', label='Renderer', names={}, objects=['markdown-it', 'myst', 'markdown'])
Markdown renderer implementation.
renderer_options = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Renderer options', nested_refs=True)
Options to pass to the markdown renderer.
- classmethod applies(obj: Any) float | bool | None [source]#
Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.
- priority: ClassVar[float | bool | None] = None#
- class panel.pane.Matplotlib(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Matplotlib pane allows displaying any displayable Matplotlib figure inside a Panel app.
It will render the plot to PNG at the declared DPI and then embed it.
If you find the figure to be clipped on the edges, you can set tight=True
to automatically resize objects to fit within the pane. - If you have installed ipympl you will also be able to use the interactive backend.
- Example:
>>> Matplotlib(some_matplotlib_figure, dpi=144)
- Attributes:
- filetype
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.image.FileBase
: embedpanel.pane.image.ImageBase
: alt_text, caption, fixed_aspect, link_urlobject = Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label='Object')
The Matplotlib Figure being wrapped, which will be rendered as a Bokeh model.
dpi = Integer(bounds=(1, None), default=144, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Dpi')
Scales the dpi of the matplotlib figure.
encode = Boolean(default=False, label='Encode')
Whether to encode SVG out as base64.
format = Selector(default='png', label='Format', names={}, objects=['png', 'svg'])
The format to render the plot as if the plot is not interactive.
high_dpi = Boolean(default=True, label='High dpi')
Whether to optimize output for high-dpi displays.
interactive = Boolean(constant=True, default=False, label='Interactive')
Whether to render interactive matplotlib plot with ipympl.
tight = Boolean(default=False, label='Tight')
Automatically adjust the figure size to fit the subplots and other artist elements.
- class panel.pane.PDF(object=None, **params)[source]#
The PDF pane embeds a .pdf image file in a panel if provided a local path, or will link to a remote image if provided a URL.
- Example:
>>> PDF( ... '', ... width=300, height=410 ... )
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.image.FileBase
: embedstart_page = Integer(default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Start page')
Start page of the pdf, by default the first page.
- class panel.pane.PNG(object=None, **params)[source]#
The PNG pane embeds a .png image file in a panel if provided a local path, or will link to a remote image if provided a URL.
- Example:
>>> PNG( ... '', ... alt_text='The Panel Logo', ... link_url='', ... width=500 ... )
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.image.FileBase
: embedpanel.pane.image.ImageBase
: alt_text, caption, fixed_aspect, link_url
- class panel.pane.Pane(object=None, **params)[source]#
Pane is the abstract baseclass for all atomic displayable units in the Panel library.
Panes defines an extensible interface for wrapping arbitrary objects and transforming them into renderable components.
Panes are reactive in the sense that when the object they are wrapping is replaced or modified the UI will reflect the updated object.
([object])Makes a copy of the Pane sharing the same parameters.
([doc, comm, preprocess])Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, object- clone(object: Any | None = None, **params) T [source]#
Makes a copy of the Pane sharing the same parameters.
- Parameters:
- object: Optional new object to render
- params: Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.
- Returns:
- Cloned Pane object
- get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model [source]#
Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks
- Parameters:
- doc: bokeh.document.Document
Optional Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.
- comm: pyviz_comms.Comm
Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook
- preprocess: bool (default=True)
Whether to run preprocessing hooks
- Returns:
- Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object
- class panel.pane.PaneBase(object=None, **params)[source]#
PaneBase represents an abstract baseclass which can be used as a mix-in class to define a component that mirrors the Pane API. This means that this component will participate in the automatic resolution of the appropriate pane type when Panel is asked to render an object of unknown type.
The resolution of the appropriate pane type can be implemented using the
method and thepriority
class attribute. The applies method should either return a boolean value indicating whether the pane can render the supplied object. If it can the priority determines which of the panes that apply will be selected. If the priority is None then theapplies
method must return a priority value.Methods
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
(obj, **kwargs)Returns the applicable Pane type given an object by resolving the precedence of all types whose applies method declares that the object is supported.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblemargin = Margin(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, default=(5, 10), label='Margin')
Allows to create additional space around the component. May be specified as a two-tuple of the form (vertical, horizontal) or a four-tuple (top, right, bottom, left).
default_layout = ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=<class 'panel.layout.base.Panel'>, default=<class 'panel.layout.base.Row'>, label='Default layout')
Defines the layout the model(s) returned by the pane will be placed in.
object = Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label='Object')
The object being wrapped, which will be converted to a Bokeh model.
- classmethod applies(obj: Any) float | bool | None [source]#
Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.
- classmethod get_pane_type(obj: Any, **kwargs) type[PaneBase] [source]#
Returns the applicable Pane type given an object by resolving the precedence of all types whose applies method declares that the object is supported.
- Parameters:
- obj (object): The object type to return a Pane type for
- Returns:
- The applicable Pane type with the highest precedence.
- class panel.pane.ParamFunction(object=None, **params)[source]#
ParamFunction panes wrap functions decorated with the param.depends decorator and rerenders the output when any of the functionβs dependencies change. This allows building reactive components into a Panel which depend on other parameters, e.g. tying the value of a widget to some other output.
(obj, **kwargs)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutpanel.pane.base.ReplacementPane
: object, inplace, _panepanel.param.ParamRef
: defer_load, generator_mode, lazy, loading_indicator
- class panel.pane.ParamMethod(object=None, **params)[source]#
ParamMethod panes wrap methods on parameterized classes and rerenders the plot when any of the methodβs parameters change. By default ParamMethod will watch all parameters on the class owning the method or can be restricted to certain parameters by annotating the method using the param.depends decorator. The method may return any object which itself can be rendered as a Pane.
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutpanel.pane.base.ReplacementPane
: object, inplace, _panepanel.param.ParamRef
: defer_load, generator_mode, lazy, loading_indicator
- class panel.pane.ParamRef(object=None, **params)[source]#
ParamRef wraps any valid parameter reference and resolves it dynamically, re-rendering the output. If enabled it will attempt to update the previously rendered component inplace.
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutpanel.pane.base.ReplacementPane
: object, inplace, _panedefer_load = Boolean(allow_None=True, label='Defer load')
Whether to defer load until after the page is rendered. Can be set as parameter or by setting panel.config.defer_load.
generator_mode = Selector(default='replace', label='Generator mode', names={}, objects=['append', 'replace'])
Whether generators should βappendβ to or βreplaceβ existing output.
lazy = Boolean(default=False, label='Lazy')
Whether to lazily evaluate the contents of the object only when it is required for rendering.
loading_indicator = Boolean(default=False, label='Loading indicator')
Whether to show a loading indicator while the pane is updating. Can be set as parameter or by setting panel.config.loading_indicator.
- class panel.pane.Perspective(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Perspective pane provides an interactive visualization component for large, real-time datasets built on the Perspective project.
- Example:
>>> Perspective(df, plugin='hypergrid', theme='pro-dark')
- Attributes:
- priority
(object)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
(callback)Register a callback to be executed when any row is clicked.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.reactive.SyncableData
: selectionpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutmin_width = Integer(bounds=(0, None), default=420, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Min width')
Minimal width of the component (in pixels) if width is adjustable.
object = Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label='Object')
The plot data declared as a dictionary of arrays or a DataFrame.
aggregates = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Aggregates', nested_refs=True)
How to aggregate. For example {βxβ: βdistinct countβ}
columns = List(allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), label='Columns', nested_refs=True)
A list of source columns to show as columns. For example [βxβ, βyβ]
columns_config = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Columns config', nested_refs=True)
Column configuration allowing specification of formatters, coloring and a variety of other attributes for each column.
editable = Boolean(allow_None=True, default=True, label='Editable')
Whether items are editable.
expressions = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>), label='Expressions', nested_refs=True)
A list of expressions computing new columns from existing columns. For example [ββxβ+βindexββ]
split_by = List(allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), label='Split by', nested_refs=True)
A list of source columns to pivot by. For example [βxβ, βyβ]
filters = List(allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), label='Filters', nested_refs=True)
How to filter. For example [[βxβ, β<β, 3],[βyβ, βcontainsβ, βabcβ]]
group_by = List(allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), label='Group by')
A list of source columns to group by. For example [βxβ, βyβ]
selectable = Boolean(allow_None=True, default=True, label='Selectable')
Whether items are selectable.
sort = List(allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), label='Sort')
How to sort. For example[[βxβ,βdescβ]]
plugin = Selector(default='datagrid', label='Plugin', names={}, objects=['hypergrid', 'datagrid', 'd3_y_bar', 'd3_x_bar', 'd3_xy_line', 'd3_y_line', 'd3_y_area', 'd3_y_scatter', 'd3_xy_scatter', 'd3_treemap', 'd3_sunburst', 'd3_heatmap', 'd3_candlestick', 'd3_ohlc'])
The name of a plugin to display the data. For example hypergrid or d3_xy_scatter.
plugin_config = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Plugin config', nested_refs=True)
Configuration for the PerspectiveViewerPlugin.
settings = Boolean(default=True, label='Settings')
Whether to show the settings menu.
theme = Selector(default='pro', label='Theme', names={}, objects=['material', 'material-dark', 'monokai', 'solarized', 'solarized-dark', 'vaporwave', 'pro', 'pro-dark'])
The style of the PerspectiveViewer. For example pro-dark
title = String(allow_None=True, label='Title')
Title for the Perspective viewer.
- classmethod applies(object)[source]#
Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.
- on_click(callback: Callable[[PerspectiveClickEvent], None])[source]#
Register a callback to be executed when any row is clicked. The callback is given a PerspectiveClickEvent declaring the config, column names, and row values of the row that was clicked.
- Parameters:
- callback: (callable)
The callback to run on edit events.
- priority: ClassVar[float | bool | None] = None#
- class panel.pane.Placeholder(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Placeholder pane serves as a placeholder for other Panel components. It can be used to display a message while a computation is running, for example.
- Example:
>>> with Placeholder("β³ Idle"): ... placeholder.object = "π Running..."
(object)Updates the object on the Placeholder.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutpanel.pane.base.ReplacementPane
: object, inplace, _pane
- class panel.pane.Plotly(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Plotly pane renders Plotly plots inside a panel.
Note that
the Panel extension has to be loaded with plotly as an argument to
ensure that Plotly.js is initialized. - it supports click, hover and selection events. - it optimizes the plot rendering by using binary serialization for any array data found on the Plotly object.
- Example:
>>> pn.extension('plotly') >>> Plotly(some_plotly_figure, width=500, height=500)
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectclick_data = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Click data')
Click event data from plotly_click event.
doubleclick_data = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Doubleclick data')
Click event data from plotly_doubleclick event.
clickannotation_data = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Clickannotation data')
Clickannotation event data from plotly_clickannotation event.
config = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Config', nested_refs=True)
Plotly configuration options. See
hover_data = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Hover data')
Hover event data from plotly_hover and plotly_unhover events.
link_figure = Boolean(default=True, label='Link figure')
Attach callbacks to the Plotly figure to update output when it is modified in place.
relayout_data = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Relayout data', nested_refs=True)
Relayout event data from plotly_relayout event
restyle_data = List(bounds=(0, None), default=[], label='Restyle data', nested_refs=True)
Restyle event data from plotly_restyle event
selected_data = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Selected data', nested_refs=True)
Selected event data from plotly_selected and plotly_deselect events.
viewport = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Viewport', nested_refs=True)
Current viewport state, i.e. the x- and y-axis limits of the displayed plot. Updated on plotly_relayout, plotly_relayouting and plotly_restyle events.
viewport_update_policy = Selector(default='mouseup', label='Viewport update policy', names={}, objects=['mouseup', 'continuous', 'throttle'])
Policy by which the viewport parameter is updated during user interactions. * βmouseupβ: updates are synchronized when mouse button is released after panning * βcontinuousβ: updates are synchronized continually while panning * βthrottleβ: updates are synchronized while panning, at intervals determined by the viewport_update_throttle parameter
viewport_update_throttle = Integer(bounds=(0, None), default=200, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Viewport update throttle')
Time interval in milliseconds at which viewport updates are synchronized when viewport_update_policy is βthrottleβ.
_render_count = Integer(default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=' render count')
Number of renders, increment to trigger re-render
- class panel.pane.RGGPlot(object=None, **params)[source]#
An RGGPlot pane renders an r2py-based ggplot2 figure to png and wraps the base64-encoded data in a bokeh Div model.
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.image.FileBase
: embedpanel.pane.image.ImageBase
: alt_text, caption, fixed_aspect, link_urlheight = Integer(bounds=(0, None), default=400, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Height')
The height of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.
width = Integer(bounds=(0, None), default=400, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Width')
The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.
dpi = Integer(bounds=(1, None), default=144, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Dpi')
- class panel.pane.ReactiveExpr(object=None, **params)[source]#
ReactiveExpr generates a UI for param.rx objects by rendering the widgets and outputs.
- Attributes:
- widgets
(object)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutobject = Parameter(allow_None=True, label='Object')
The object being wrapped, which will be converted to a Bokeh model.
center = Boolean(default=False, label='Center')
Whether to center the output.
show_widgets = Boolean(default=True, label='Show widgets')
Whether to display the widget inputs.
widget_layout = Selector(constant=True, default=<class 'panel.layout.base.WidgetBox'>, label='Widget layout', names={}, objects=[<class 'panel.layout.base.WidgetBox'>, <class 'panel.layout.base.Row'>, <class 'panel.layout.base.Column'>])
The layout object to display the widgets in.
widget_location = Selector(default='left_top', label='Widget location', names={}, objects=['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'left_top', 'right_top', 'right_bottom'])
The location of the widgets relative to the output of the reactive expression.
- class panel.pane.Reacton(object=None, **params)[source]#
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutpanel.pane.ipywidget.IPyWidget
: object
- class panel.pane.SVG(object=None, **params)[source]#
The SVG pane embeds a .svg image file in a panel if provided a local path, or will link to a remote image if provided a URL.
- Example:
>>> SVG( ... '', ... alt_text='A gif vs svg comparison', ... link_url='', ... width=300, height=400 ... )
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.image.FileBase
: embedpanel.pane.image.ImageBase
: alt_text, caption, fixed_aspect, link_urlencode = Boolean(default=True, label='Encode')
Whether to enable base64 encoding of the SVG, base64 encoded SVGs do not support links.
- class panel.pane.Str(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Str pane allows rendering arbitrary text and objects in a panel.
Unlike Markdown and HTML, a Str is interpreted as a raw string without applying any markup and is displayed in a fixed-width font by default.
The pane will render any text, and if given an object will display the objectβs Python repr.
- Example:
>>> Str( ... 'This raw string will not be formatted, except for the applied style.', ... styles={'font-size': '12pt'} ... )
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streaming
- class panel.pane.Streamz(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Streamz pane renders streamz Stream objects emitting arbitrary objects, unlike the DataFrame pane which specifically handles streamz DataFrame and Series objects and exposes various formatting objects.
- Example:
>>> Streamz(some_streamz_stream_object, always_watch=True)
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutpanel.pane.base.ReplacementPane
: object, inplace, _panealways_watch = Boolean(default=False, label='Always watch')
Whether to watch even when not displayed.
rate_limit = Number(bounds=(0, None), default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Rate limit')
The minimum interval between events.
- class panel.pane.Textual(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Textual pane provides a wrapper around a Textual App component, rendering it inside a Terminal and running it on the existing Panel event loop, i.e. either on the server or the notebook asyncio.EventLoop.
- Example:
>>> Textual(app)
(object)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, object
- class panel.pane.VTK(obj, **params)[source]#
The VTK pane renders a VTK scene inside a panel, making it possible to interact with complex geometries in 3D.
- Example:
>>> pn.extension('vtk') >>> VTK(some_vtk_object, width=500, height=500)
This is a Class factory and allows to switch between VTKJS, VTKRenderWindow, and VTKRenderWindowSynchronized pane as a function of the object type and when the serialisation of the vtkRenderWindow occurs.
Once a pane is returned by this class (inst = VTK(object)), one can use to see parameters available for the current pane
- class panel.pane.VTKVolume(object=None, **params)[source]#
The VTKVolume pane renders 3d volumetric data defined on regular grids. It may be constructed from a 3D NumPy array or a vtkVolume.
The pane provides a number of interactive control which can be set either through callbacks from Python or Javascript callbacks.
- Example:
>>> pn.extension('vtk') >>> VTKVolume( ... data_matrix, spacing=(3,2,1), interpolation='nearest', ... edge_gradient=0, sampling=0, ... sizing_mode='stretch_width', height=400, ... )
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
(class_type, serializer)Register a serializer for a given type of class.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.vtk.vtk.AbstractVTK
: axes, camera, color_mappers, orientation_widget, interactive_orientation_widgetambient = Number(default=0.2, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Ambient', step=0.01)
Value to control the ambient lighting. It is the light an object gives even in the absence of strong light. It is constant in all directions.
controller_expanded = Boolean(default=True, label='Controller expanded')
If True the volume controller panel options is expanded in the view
colormap = Selector(default='erdc_rainbow_bright', label='Colormap', names={}, objects=['KAAMS', 'Cool to Warm', 'Cool to Warm (Extended)', 'Warm to Cool', 'Warm to Cool (Extended)', 'Rainbow Desaturated', 'Cold and Hot', 'Black-Body Radiation', 'X Ray', 'Grayscale', 'BkRd', 'BkGn', 'BkBu', 'BkMa', 'BkCy', 'Black, Blue and White', 'Black, Orange and White', 'Linear YGB 1211g', 'Linear Green (Gr4L)', 'Linear Blue (8_31f)', 'Blue to Red Rainbow', 'Red to Blue Rainbow', 'Rainbow Blended White', 'Rainbow Blended Grey', 'Rainbow Blended Black', 'Blue to Yellow', 'blot', 'CIELab Blue to Red', 'jet', 'rainbow', 'erdc_rainbow_bright', 'erdc_rainbow_dark', 'nic_CubicL', 'nic_CubicYF', 'gist_earth', '2hot', 'erdc_red2yellow_BW', 'erdc_marine2gold_BW', 'erdc_blue2gold_BW', 'erdc_sapphire2gold_BW', 'erdc_red2purple_BW', 'erdc_purple2pink_BW', 'erdc_pbj_lin', 'erdc_blue2green_muted', 'erdc_blue2green_BW', 'GREEN-WHITE_LINEAR', 'erdc_green2yellow_BW', 'blue2cyan', 'erdc_blue2cyan_BW', 'erdc_blue_BW', 'BLUE-WHITE', 'erdc_purple_BW', 'erdc_magenta_BW', 'magenta', 'RED-PURPLE', 'erdc_red_BW', 'RED_TEMPERATURE', 'erdc_orange_BW', 'heated_object', 'erdc_gold_BW', 'erdc_brown_BW', 'copper_Matlab', 'pink_Matlab', 'bone_Matlab', 'gray_Matlab', 'Purples', 'Blues', 'Greens', 'PuBu', 'BuPu', 'BuGn', 'GnBu', 'GnBuPu', 'BuGnYl', 'PuRd', 'RdPu', 'Oranges', 'Reds', 'RdOr', 'BrOrYl', 'RdOrYl', 'CIELab_blue2red', 'blue2yellow', 'erdc_blue2gold', 'erdc_blue2yellow', 'erdc_cyan2orange', 'erdc_purple2green', 'erdc_purple2green_dark', 'coolwarm', 'BuRd', 'Spectral_lowBlue', 'GnRP', 'GYPi', 'GnYlRd', 'GBBr', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'OrPu', 'BrBG', 'GyRd', 'erdc_divHi_purpleGreen', 'erdc_divHi_purpleGreen_dim', 'erdc_divLow_icePeach', 'erdc_divLow_purpleGreen', 'Haze_green', 'Haze_lime', 'Haze', 'Haze_cyan', 'nic_Edge', 'erdc_iceFire_H', 'erdc_iceFire_L', 'hsv', 'hue_L60', 'Spectrum', 'Warm', 'Cool', 'Blues', 'Wild Flower', 'Citrus', 'Brewer Diverging Purple-Orange (11)', 'Brewer Diverging Purple-Orange (10)', 'Brewer Diverging Purple-Orange (9)', 'Brewer Diverging Purple-Orange (8)', 'Brewer Diverging Purple-Orange (7)', 'Brewer Diverging Purple-Orange (6)', 'Brewer Diverging Purple-Orange (5)', 'Brewer Diverging Purple-Orange (4)', 'Brewer Diverging Purple-Orange (3)', 'Brewer Diverging Spectral (11)', 'Brewer Diverging Spectral (10)', 'Brewer Diverging Spectral (9)', 'Brewer Diverging Spectral (8)', 'Brewer Diverging Spectral (7)', 'Brewer Diverging Spectral (6)', 'Brewer Diverging Spectral (5)', 'Brewer Diverging Spectral (4)', 'Brewer Diverging Spectral (3)', 'Brewer Diverging Brown-Blue-Green (11)', 'Brewer Diverging Brown-Blue-Green (10)', 'Brewer Diverging Brown-Blue-Green (9)', 'Brewer Diverging Brown-Blue-Green (8)', 'Brewer Diverging Brown-Blue-Green (7)', 'Brewer Diverging Brown-Blue-Green (6)', 'Brewer Diverging Brown-Blue-Green (5)', 'Brewer Diverging Brown-Blue-Green (4)', 'Brewer Diverging Brown-Blue-Green (3)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Green (9)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Green (8)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Green (7)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Green (6)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Green (5)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Green (4)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Green (3)', 'Brewer Sequential Yellow-Orange-Brown (9)', 'Brewer Sequential Yellow-Orange-Brown (8)', 'Brewer Sequential Yellow-Orange-Brown (7)', 'Brewer Sequential Yellow-Orange-Brown (6)', 'Brewer Sequential Yellow-Orange-Brown (5)', 'Brewer Sequential Yellow-Orange-Brown (4)', 'Brewer Sequential Yellow-Orange-Brown (3)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Purple (9)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Purple (8)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Purple (7)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Purple (6)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Purple (5)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Purple (4)', 'Brewer Sequential Blue-Purple (3)', 'Brewer Qualitative Accent', 'Brewer Qualitative Dark2', 'Brewer Qualitative Set2', 'Brewer Qualitative Pastel2', 'Brewer Qualitative Pastel1', 'Brewer Qualitative Set1', 'Brewer Qualitative Paired', 'Brewer Qualitative Set3', 'Traffic Lights', 'Traffic Lights For Deuteranopes', 'Traffic Lights For Deuteranopes 2', 'Muted Blue-Green', 'Green-Blue Asymmetric Divergent (62Blbc)', 'Asymmtrical Earth Tones (6_21b)', 'Yellow 15', 'Magma (matplotlib)', 'Inferno (matplotlib)', 'Plasma (matplotlib)', 'Viridis (matplotlib)', 'BlueObeliskElements'])
Name of the colormap used to transform pixel value in color.
diffuse = Number(default=0.7, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Diffuse', step=0.01)
Value to control the diffuse Lighting. It relies on both the light direction and the object surface normal.
display_volume = Boolean(default=True, label='Display volume')
If set to True, the 3D representation of the volume is displayed using ray casting.
display_slices = Boolean(default=False, label='Display slices')
If set to true, the orthgonal slices in the three (X, Y, Z) directions are displayed. Position of each slice can be controlled using slice_(i,j,k) parameters.
edge_gradient = Number(bounds=(0, 1), default=0.4, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Edge gradient', step=0.01)
Parameter to adjust the opacity of the volume based on the gradient between voxels.
interpolation = Selector(default='fast_linear', label='Interpolation', names={}, objects=['fast_linear', 'linear', 'nearest'])
interpolation type for sampling a volume. nearest interpolation will snap to the closest voxel, linear will perform trilinear interpolation to compute a scalar value from surrounding voxels. fast_linear under WebGL 1 will perform bilinear interpolation on X and Y but use nearest for Z. This is slightly faster than full linear at the cost of no Z axis linear interpolation.
mapper = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Mapper')
Lookup Table in format {low, high, palette}
max_data_size = Number(default=33.554432, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Max data size')
Maximum data size transfer allowed without subsampling
nan_opacity = Number(bounds=(0.0, 1.0), default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Nan opacity')
Opacity applied to nan values in slices
origin = Tuple(allow_None=True, label='Origin', length=3)
render_background = Color(allow_named=True, default='#52576e', label='Render background')
Allows to specify the background color of the 3D rendering. The value must be specified as an hexadecimal color string.
rescale = Boolean(default=False, label='Rescale')
If set to True the colormap is rescaled between min and max value of the non-transparent pixel, otherwise the full range of the pixel values are used.
shadow = Boolean(default=True, label='Shadow')
If set to False, then the mapper for the volume will not perform shading computations, it is the same as setting ambient=1, diffuse=0, specular=0.
sampling = Number(bounds=(0, 1), default=0.4, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Sampling', step=0.01)
Parameter to adjust the distance between samples used for rendering. The lower the value is the more precise is the representation but it is more computationally intensive.
spacing = Tuple(default=(1, 1, 1), label='Spacing', length=3)
Distance between voxel in each direction
specular = Number(default=0.3, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Specular', step=0.01)
Value to control specular lighting. It is the light reflects back toward the camera when hitting the object.
specular_power = Number(default=8.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Specular power')
Specular power refers to how much light is reflected in a mirror like fashion, rather than scattered randomly in a diffuse manner.
slice_i = Integer(default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Slice i')
Integer parameter to control the position of the slice normal to the X direction.
slice_j = Integer(default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Slice j')
Integer parameter to control the position of the slice normal to the Y direction.
slice_k = Integer(default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Slice k')
Integer parameter to control the position of the slice normal to the Z direction.
- class panel.pane.Vega(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Vega pane renders Vega-lite based plots (including those from Altair) inside a panel.
to use the Vega pane, the Panel extension has to be
loaded with βvegaβ as an argument to ensure that vega.js is initialized. - it supports selection events - it optimizes the plot rendering by using binary serialization for any array data found on the Vega/Altair object, providing huge speedups over the standard JSON serialization employed by Vega natively.
- Example:
>>> pn.extension('vega') >>> Vega(some_vegalite_dict_or_altair_object, height=240)
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectdebounce = ClassSelector(class_=(<class 'int'>, <class 'dict'>), default=20, label='Debounce')
Declares the debounce time in milliseconds either for all events or if a dictionary is provided for individual events.
selection = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'param.parameterized.Parameterized'>, label='Selection')
The Selection object reflects any selections available on the supplied vega plot into Python.
show_actions = Boolean(default=False, label='Show actions')
Whether to show Vega actions.
theme = Selector(allow_None=True, label='Theme', names={}, objects=['excel', 'ggplot2', 'quartz', 'vox', 'fivethirtyeight', 'dark', 'latimes', 'urbaninstitute', 'googlecharts'])
- class panel.pane.Video(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Video Pane displays a video player given a local or remote video file.
The widget also allows access and control over the player state including toggling of playing/paused and loop state, the current time, and the volume.
Depending on the browser the video player supports mp4, webm, and ogg containers and a variety of codecs.
- Example:
>>> Video( ... '', ... width=640, height=360, loop=True ... )
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin,
: object, loop, time, throttle, paused, autoplay, mutedvolume = Integer(bounds=(0, 100), default=100, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Volume')
The volume of the media player.
- class panel.pane.Vizzu(object=None, **params)[source]#
The Vizzu pane provides an interactive visualization component for large, real-time datasets built on the Vizzu project.
- Example:
>>> Vizzu(df)
(anim[, options])Updates the chart with a new configuration.
(object)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
(callback)Register a callback to be executed when any element in the chart is clicked on.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.reactive.SyncableData
: selectionpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectanimation = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Animation', nested_refs=True)
Animation settings (see
config = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Config', nested_refs=True)
The config contains all of the parameters needed to render a particular static chart or a state of an animated chart (see
click = Parameter(allow_None=True, label='Click')
Data associated with the latest click event.
column_types = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Column types', nested_refs=True)
Optional column definitions. If not defined will be inferred from the data.
duration = Integer(default=500, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Duration')
The config contains all of the parameters needed to render a particular static chart or a state of an animated chart.
style = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Style', nested_refs=True)
Style configuration of the chart.
tooltip = Boolean(default=False, label='Tooltip')
Whether to enable tooltips on the chart.
- animate(anim: dict[str, Any], options: int | dict[str, Any] | None = None) None [source]#
Updates the chart with a new configuration.
- class panel.pane.YT(object=None, **params)[source]#
YT panes wrap plottable objects from the YT library. By default, the height and width are calculated by summing all contained plots, but can optionally be specified explicitly to provide additional space.
(obj)Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layout, objectpanel.pane.markup.HTMLBasePane
: enable_streamingpanel.pane.markup.HTML
: disable_math, sanitize_html, sanitize_hook
- panel.pane.panel(obj: Any, **kwargs) Viewable | ServableMixin [source]#
Creates a displayable Panel object given any valid Python object.
The appropriate Pane to render a specific object is determined by iterating over all defined Pane types and querying itβs .applies method for a priority value.
Any keyword arguments are passed down to the applicable Pane.
Setting loading_indicator=True will display a loading indicator while the function is being evaluated.
To lazily render components when the application loads, you may also provide a Python function, with or without bound parameter dependencies and set defer_load=True.
>>> pn.panel(some_python_object, width=500)
- Parameters:
- obj: object
Any object to be turned into a Panel
- **kwargs: dict
Any keyword arguments to be passed to the applicable Pane
- Returns:
- layout: Viewable
A Viewable representation of the input object