The message module provides a low-level API for rendering chat messages.
- class, **params)[source]#
Renders another component as a chat message with an associated user and avatar with support for various content types.
This widget provides a structured view of chat messages, including features like:
Displaying user avatars, which can be text, emoji, or images.
Showing the userโs name.
Displaying the message timestamp in a customizable format.
Associating reactions with messages and mapping them to icons.
Rendering various content types including text, images, audio, video, and more.
- Example:
>>> ChatMessage(object="Hello world!", user="New User", avatar="๐")
([selector])Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.
([prefix_with_viewable_label, ...])Format the object to a string.
(token[, replace])Updates the message with the new token traversing the object to allow updating nested objects.
(value[, user, avatar])Updates the message with a new value, user and avatar.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.pane.base.PaneBase
: margin, default_layoutcss_classes = List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=['chat-message'], label='Css classes', nested_refs=True)
The CSS classes to apply to the widget.
max_width = Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=1200, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Max width')
Maximum width of the component (in pixels) if width is adjustable.
object = Parameter(allow_None=True, label='Object')
The message contents. Can be any Python object that panel can display.
avatar = ClassSelector(class_=(<class 'str'>, <class '_io.BytesIO'>, <class 'bytes'>, <class 'panel.pane.image.ImageBase'>), default='', label='Avatar')
The avatar to use for the user. Can be a single character text, an emoji, or anything supported by pn.pane.Image. If not set, checks if the user is available in the default_avatars mapping; else uses the first character of the name.
avatar_lookup = Callable(allow_None=True, label='Avatar lookup')
A function that can lookup an avatar from a user name. The function signature should be (user: str) -> Avatar. If this is set, default_avatars is disregarded.
default_avatars = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={'client': '๐ง', 'customer': '๐ง', 'employee': '๐ง', 'human': '๐ง', 'person': '๐ง', 'user': '๐ง', 'agent': '๐ค', 'ai': '๐ค', 'assistant': '๐ค', 'bot': '๐ค', 'chatbot': '๐ค', 'machine': '๐ค', 'robot': '๐ค', 'system': 'โ๏ธ', 'exception': 'โ', 'error': 'โ', 'help': 'โ', 'input': 'โ', 'adult': '๐ง', 'baby': '๐ถ', 'boy': '๐ฆ', 'child': '๐ง', 'girl': '๐ง', 'man': '๐จ', 'woman': '๐ฉ', 'chatgpt': '{dist_path}assets/logo/gpt-3.svg', 'gpt3': '{dist_path}assets/logo/gpt-3.svg', 'gpt4': '{dist_path}assets/logo/gpt-4.svg', 'dalle': '{dist_path}assets/logo/gpt-4.svg', 'openai': '{dist_path}assets/logo/gpt-4.svg', 'huggingface': '๐ค', 'calculator': '๐งฎ', 'langchain': '๐ฆ', 'retriever': '๐', 'tool': '๐ ๏ธ', 'translator': '๐', 'wolfram': '{dist_path}assets/logo/wolfram.svg', 'wolfram alpha': '{dist_path}assets/logo/wolfram.svg', 'llama': '๐ฆ', 'llama2': '๐ช', 'plot': '๐', 'lumen': '{dist_path}assets/logo/lumen.svg', 'holoviews': '{dist_path}assets/logo/holoviews.svg', 'hvplot': '{dist_path}assets/logo/hvplot.svg', 'panel': '{dist_path}images/icon-vector.svg'}, label='Default avatars')
A default mapping of user names to their corresponding avatars to use when the user is specified but the avatar is. You can modify, but not replace the dictionary.
edited = Event(default=False, label='Edited')
An event that is triggered when the message is edited.
footer_objects = Children(bounds=(0, None), class_=<class 'panel.viewable.Viewable'>, default=[], item_type=<class 'panel.viewable.Viewable'>, label='Footer objects')
A list of objects to display in the column of the footer of the message.
header_objects = Children(bounds=(0, None), class_=<class 'panel.viewable.Viewable'>, default=[], item_type=<class 'panel.viewable.Viewable'>, label='Header objects')
A list of objects to display in the row of the header of the message.
reactions = List(bounds=(0, None), default=[], label='Reactions')
Reactions to associate with the message.
reaction_icons = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=<class ''>, label='Reaction icons')
A mapping of reactions to their reaction icons; if not provided defaults to {โfavoriteโ: โheartโ}.
timestamp = Date(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Timestamp')
Timestamp of the message. Defaults to the creation time.
timestamp_format = String(default='%H:%M', label='Timestamp format')
The timestamp format.
timestamp_tz = String(allow_None=True, label='Timestamp tz')
The timezone to used for the creation timestamp; only applicable if timestamp is not set. If None, tries to use pn.state.browser_info.timezone, else, the default tz of; see zoneinfo.available_timezones() for a list of valid timezones.
show_avatar = Boolean(default=True, label='Show avatar')
Whether to display the avatar of the user.
show_edit_icon = Boolean(default=True, label='Show edit icon')
Whether to display the edit icon.
show_user = Boolean(default=True, label='Show user')
Whether to display the name of the user.
show_timestamp = Boolean(default=True, label='Show timestamp')
Whether to display the timestamp of the message.
show_reaction_icons = Boolean(default=True, label='Show reaction icons')
Whether to display the reaction icons.
show_copy_icon = Boolean(default=True, label='Show copy icon')
Whether to display the copy icon.
show_activity_dot = Boolean(default=False, label='Show activity dot')
Whether to show the activity dot.
renderers = HookList(bounds=(0, None), default=[], label='Renderers')
A callable or list of callables that accept the object and return a Panel object to render the object. If a list is provided, will attempt to use the first renderer that does not raise an exception. If None, will attempt to infer the renderer from the object.
user = Parameter(default='User', label='User')
Name of the user who sent the message.
- select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable] [source]#
Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.
- Parameters:
- selector: type or callable or None
The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.
- Returns:
- viewables: list(Viewable)
- serialize(prefix_with_viewable_label: bool = True, prefix_with_container_label: bool = True) str [source]#
Format the object to a string.
- Parameters:
- prefix_with_viewable_labelbool
Whether to include the name of the Viewable, or type of the viewable if no name is specified.
- prefix_with_container_labelbool
Whether to include the name of the container, or type of the container if no name is specified.
- Returns:
- str
The serialized string.
- stream(token: str, replace: bool = False)[source]#
Updates the message with the new token traversing the object to allow updating nested objects. When traversing a nested Panel the last object that supports rendering strings is updated, e.g. in a layout of Column(Markdown(โฆ), Image(โฆ)) the Markdown pane is updated.
- Parameters:
- token: str
The token to stream to the text pane.
- replace: bool (default=False)
Whether to replace the existing text.
- update(value: MessageParams | ChatMessage | Any, user: str | None = None, avatar: str | bytes | BytesIO | None = None)[source]#
Updates the message with a new value, user and avatar.
- Parameters:
- valueChatMessage | dict | Any
The message contents to send.
- userstr | None
The user to send as; overrides the message messageโs user if provided.
- avatarstr | bytes | BytesIO | None
The avatar to use; overrides the message messageโs avatar if provided.