Developing custom models#

Panel ships with a number of custom Bokeh models, which have both Python and Javascript components. When developing Panel these custom models have to be compiled. This happens automatically with pip install -e . or pixi run install, however when running actively developing you can rebuild the extension with panel build panel from the source directory. The build command is just an alias for bokeh build; see the Bokeh developer guide for more information about developing bokeh models.

Just like any other Javascript (or Typescript) library Panel defines a package.json and package-lock.json files. When adding, updating or removing a dependency in the package.json file ensure you commit the changes to the package-lock.json after running npm install.

Adding a new Custom Model#

This example will guide you through adding a new model.

We will use the the ChartJS model as an example. But you should replace ChartJS and similar with the name of your model.

Here we will add a simple Button model to start with. But we call it ChartJS.

My experience is that you should start small with a working example and the continue in small, incremental steps. For me it did not work trying to copy a large, complex example and refactoring it when I started out learning about Custom Models.

  1. Create a new branch chartjs.

  2. Add the files and code for a minimum working model. This includes

    • A Panel Python model

    • A Bokeh Python and TypeScript model

Add the Panel Python Model#

Add the file panel/pane/ and the code

import param

from panel.widgets.base import Widget

from ..models import ChartJS as _BkChartJS

class ChartJS(Widget):
    # Set the Bokeh model to use
    _widget_type = _BkChartJS

    # Rename Panel Parameters -> Bokeh Model properties
    # Parameters like title that does not exist on the Bokeh model should be renamed to None
    _rename = {
        "title": None,

    # Parameters to be mapped to Bokeh model properties
    object = param.String(default="Click Me!")
    clicks = param.Integer(default=0)

Add the Panel model to panel/pane/

from .chartjs import ChartJS

Add the Bokeh Python Model#

Add the file panel/models/ and the code

from import Int, String
from bokeh.models import HTMLBox

class ChartJS(HTMLBox):
    """Custom ChartJS Model"""

    object = String()
    clicks = Int()

Add the Bokeh model to panel/models/ file

from .chartjs import ChartJS

Add the Bokeh TypeScript Model#

Add the file panel/models/chartjs.ts and the code

// See
import { HTMLBox, HTMLBoxView } from "@bokehjs/models/layouts/html_box"

// See
import * as p from "@bokehjs/core/properties"

// The view of the Bokeh extension/ HTML element
// Here you can define how to render the model as well as react to model changes or View events.
export class ChartJSView extends HTMLBoxView {
    model: ChartJS
    objectElement: any // Element

    connect_signals(): void {

        this.on_change(, () => {

    render(): void {
        this.el.innerHTML = `<button type="button">${this.model.object}</button>`
        this.objectElement = this.el.firstElementChild

        this.objectElement.addEventListener("click", () => {this.model.clicks+=1;}, false)

export namespace ChartJS {
    export type Attrs = p.AttrsOf<Props>
    export type Props = HTMLBox.Props & {
        object: p.Property<string>,
        clicks: p.Property<number>,

export interface ChartJS extends ChartJS.Attrs { }

// The Bokeh .ts model corresponding to the Bokeh .py model
export class ChartJS extends HTMLBox {
    properties: ChartJS.Props

    constructor(attrs?: Partial<ChartJS.Attrs>) {

    static __module__ = "panel.models.chartjs"

    static {
        this.prototype.default_view = ChartJSView;

        this.define<ChartJS.Props>(({Int, String}) => ({
            object: [String, "Click Me!"],
            clicks: [Int, 0],

Add the ChartJS typescript model to panel/models/index.ts

export {ChartJS} from "./chartjs"

Build the Model#

You can now build the model using panel build panel. It should look similar to

(base) root@475bb36209a9:/workspaces/panel# panel build panel
Working directory: /workspaces/panel/panel
Using /workspaces/panel/panel/tsconfig.json
Compiling styles
Compiling TypeScript (45 files)
Linking modules
Output written to /workspaces/panel/panel/dist
All done.

Test the Model#

Add the file panel/tests/pane/ and the code

import panel as pn

def test_constructor():
    chartjs = pn.pane.ChartJS(object="Click Me Now!")

def get_app():
    chartjs = pn.pane.ChartJS(object="Click Me Now!")
    return pn.Column(
        chartjs, pn.Param(chartjs, parameters=["object", "clicks"])

if __name__.startswith("bokeh"):

Run pytest panel/tests/pane/ and make sure it passes.

Serve the app with panel serve panel/tests/pane/ --auto --show

You have to hard refresh your browser to reload the new panel .js files with your ChartJS model. In Chrome I press CTRL+F5. See How to hard refresh in Chrome, Firefox and IE for other browsers.

Now you can manually test your model

Chart JS Button

Save your new Model#

Finally you should save your changes via git add . and maybe even commit them git commit -m "First iteration on ChartJS model"

Build a small HTML Example#

In the beginning of your journey into Custom Models there will be things that break and difficulties figuring out why. When you combine several new things it can be really difficult to figure out why. Is the problem Panel, Bokeh, Python, Javascript, Node or ….?

So I suggest creating a small, working example in plain HTML/ JS before you start combining with Panel and Bokeh Models.

Please note the below example works out of the box. It is not always that easy importing javascript libraries in a Notebook. So it can be a good idea to work in a .html file first.

<script src=""></script>
<div class="chart-container" style="position: relative; height:400px; width:100%">
    <canvas id="myChart"></canvas>
var ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
    // The type of chart we want to create
    type: 'line',

    // The data for our dataset
    data: {
        labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'],
        datasets: [{
            label: 'My First dataset',
            backgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',
            borderColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',
            data: [0, 10, 5, 2, 20, 30, 45]

    // Configuration options go here
    options: {
        responsive: true,
        maintainAspectRatio: false,

Using the Javascript Model#

Getting something shown using the ChartJS js library would be the next step. It might require a bit of experimentation, looking at other examples, google or support from the community.

Here I found that a good step where the following changes

Import the Javascript Library#

Update tp

import panel as pn

def test_constructor():
    chartjs = pn.pane.ChartJS(object="Click Me Now!")

def get_app():
    chartjs = pn.pane.ChartJS(object="Click Me Now!")
    return pn.Column(
        chartjs, pn.Param(chartjs, parameters=["object", "clicks"])

if __name__.startswith("bokeh"):

Render the Plot#

In the chartjs.ts file add import { canvas, div } from "@bokehjs/core/dom"; at the top and change the render function to

render(): void {
    var object = {
        type: 'line',
        data: {
            labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'],
            datasets: [{
                label: 'My First dataset',
                backgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',
                borderColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',
                data: [0, 10, 5, 2, 20, 30, 45]
        options: {
            responsive: true,
            maintainAspectRatio: false,

    var chartContainer = div({class: "chartjs-container", style: "position: relative; height:400px; width:100%"})
    var chartCanvas = canvas({class: "chartjs"})
    var ctx: any = chartCanvas.getContext('2d');
    new (window as any).Chart(ctx, object);


Build and Test#

Run panel build panel and hard refresh your browser. You should see

ChartJS Hello World

Save Your Model#

Remember to stage and/ or commit your working changes.

Next Steps#

  • Enable setting the Python ChartJS.object parameter to any ChartJS dictionary.

  • Checkout support for different sizing modes, responsiveness and window maximize.

  • Configure the javascript, css, .. dependencies in the Bokeh Python File.

  • …..

Check List#

When you develop and test your model eventually you should consider implementing and testing

  • Dynamic updates to the object parameter and any other parameters added.

  • Resizing

    • Does it resize when width is changed dynamically?

    • Does it resize when height is changed dynamically?

    • Does it work with sizing_mode="stretch_width" etc.

  • Themes (Light, Dark)

  • Window Resizing, Window Maximizing, Window Minimizing.

  • Streaming of Data. Is it efficient?

  • Events (Click, Hover etc.)

  • Consider supporting the Python Wrapper (ECharts -> PyECharts, ChartJS -> PyChart.JS)

  • Tests

  • Reference Notebook

  • Communication also to for example ChartJS community and developers.

Tips and Tricks#

  • Work in small increments and stage your changes when they work

  • Remember to panel build panel and hard refresh before you test.

  • Add console.log statements to your .ts code for debugging.

  • Use the Developer Tools console to see the console.log output and identify errors. In my browsers I toggle the Developer Tools using CTRL+SHIFT+I.

  • Find inspiration for next steps in the existing Panel Custom Models. For ChartJS one of the most relevant custom models would be Echarts. See Panel, Bokeh and echarts.ts.

  • Use the existing documentation

  • Use Google Search. You don’t have to be an expert javascript or typescript developer. It’s a very small subset of those languages that is used when developing Custom Models.

  • Ask for help in Discord, HoloViz Discourse and Bokeh Discourse forums.

Bundling resources#

Panel bundles external resources required for custom models and templates into the panel/dist directory. The bundled resources have to be collected whenever they change, so rerun pip install -e . or pixi run install, whenever you change one of the following:

  • A new model is added with a __javascript_raw__ declaration or an existing model is updated

  • A new template with a _resources declaration is added or an existing template is updated

  • A CSS file in one of template directories (panel/template/*/) is added or modified