
import param
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd
import panel as pn

import altair as alt
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import as pio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pn.extension('vega', 'plotly', defer_load=True, template='fast')
import hvplot.pandas


Let us start by configuring some high-level variables and configure the template:

XLABEL = 'GDP per capita (2000 dollars)'
YLABEL = 'Life expectancy (years)'
YLIM = (20, 90)
ACCENT = "#00A170"

PERIOD = 1000 # milliseconds

    title="Hans Rosling's Gapminder",
<param.parameterized._ParametersRestorer object at 0x118eebe50>

Extract the dataset#

First, we’ll get the data into a Pandas dataframe. We use the built in cache to speed up the app.

def get_dataset():
    url = ''
    return pd.read_csv(url)

dataset = get_dataset()

YEARS = [int(year) for year in dataset.year.unique()]

country year pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
259 Central African Republic 1987 2840009.0 Africa 50.485 844.876350
1473 Sweden 1997 8897619.0 Europe 79.390 25266.594990
830 Korea, Dem. Rep. 1962 10917494.0 Asia 56.656 1621.693598
1232 Poland 1992 38370697.0 Europe 70.990 7738.881247
1221 Philippines 1997 75012988.0 Asia 68.564 2536.534925
1506 Taiwan 1982 18501390.0 Asia 72.160 7426.354774
1238 Portugal 1962 9019800.0 Europe 64.390 4727.954889
1255 Puerto Rico 1987 3444468.0 Americas 74.630 12281.341910
885 Lesotho 1997 1982823.0 Africa 55.558 1186.147994
693 Iceland 1997 271192.0 Europe 78.950 28061.099660

Set up widgets and description#

Next we will set up a periodic callback to allow cycling through the years, set up the widgets to control the application and write an introduction:

def play():
    if year.value == YEARS[-1]:
        year.value = YEARS[0]

    index = YEARS.index(year.value)
    year.value = YEARS[index+1]    

year = pn.widgets.DiscreteSlider(
    value=YEARS[-1], options=YEARS, name="Year", width=280
show_legend = pn.widgets.Checkbox(value=True, name="Show Legend")

periodic_callback = pn.state.add_periodic_callback(play, start=False, period=PERIOD)
player = pn.widgets.Checkbox.from_param(periodic_callback.param.running, name="Autoplay")

widgets = pn.Column(year, player, show_legend, margin=(0,15))

desc = """## 🎓 Info

The [Panel]( library from [HoloViz](
lets you make widget-controlled apps and dashboards from a wide variety of 
plotting libraries and data types. Here you can try out four different plotting libraries
controlled by a couple of widgets, for Hans Rosling's 
[gapminder]( example.

Source: [pyviz-topics - gapminder](

settings = pn.Column(
    "## ⚙️ Settings", widgets, desc,


Define plotting functions#

Now let’s define helper functions and functions to plot this dataset with Matplotlib, Plotly, Altair, and hvPlot (using HoloViews and Bokeh).

def get_data(year):
    df = dataset[(dataset.year==year) & (dataset.gdpPercap < 10000)].copy()
    df['size'] = np.sqrt(df['pop']*2.666051223553066e-05)
    df['size_hvplot'] = df['size']*6
    return df

def get_title(library, year):
    return f"{library}: Life expectancy vs. GDP, {year}"

def get_xlim(data):
    return (data['gdpPercap'].min()-100,data['gdpPercap'].max()+1000)

def mpl_view(year=1952, show_legend=True):
    data = get_data(year)
    title = get_title("Matplotlib", year)
    xlim = get_xlim(data)

    plot = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6), facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0))
    ax = plot.add_subplot(111)

    for continent, df in data.groupby('continent'):
        ax.scatter(df.gdpPercap, y=df.lifeExp, s=df['size']*5,
                   edgecolor='black', label=continent)

    if show_legend:

    return plot

pio.templates.default = None

def plotly_view(year=1952, show_legend=True):
    data = get_data(year)
    title = get_title("Plotly", year)
    xlim = get_xlim(data)

    traces = []
    for continent, df in data.groupby('continent'):
        marker=dict(symbol='circle', sizemode='area', sizeref=0.1, size=df['size'], line=dict(width=2))
        traces.append(go.Scatter(x=df.gdpPercap, y=df.lifeExp, mode='markers', marker=marker, name=continent,

    axis_opts = dict(gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)', zerolinewidth=1, ticklen=5, gridwidth=2)
    layout = go.Layout(
        title=title, showlegend=show_legend,
        xaxis=dict(title=XLABEL, type='log', **axis_opts),
        yaxis=dict(title=YLABEL, **axis_opts),
        autosize=True, paper_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)',
    return go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout)

def altair_view(year=1952, show_legend=True, height="container", width="container"):
    data = get_data(year)
    title = get_title("Altair/ Vega", year)
    xlim = get_xlim(data)
    legend= ({} if show_legend else {'legend': None})
    return (
                alt.X('gdpPercap:Q', scale=alt.Scale(type='log'), axis=alt.Axis(title=XLABEL)),
                alt.Y('lifeExp:Q', scale=alt.Scale(zero=False, domain=YLIM), axis=alt.Axis(title=YLABEL)),
                size=alt.Size('pop:Q', scale=alt.Scale(type="log"), legend=None),
                color=alt.Color('continent', scale=alt.Scale(scheme="category10"), **legend),
            .properties(title=title, height=height, width=width, background='rgba(0,0,0,0)') 

def hvplot_view(year=1952, show_legend=True):
    data = get_data(year)
    title = get_title("hvPlot/ Bokeh", year)
    xlim = get_xlim(data)
    return data.hvplot.scatter(
        'gdpPercap', 'lifeExp', by='continent', s='size_hvplot', alpha=0.8,
        logx=True, title=title, responsive=True, legend='bottom_right',
        hover_cols=['country'], ylim=YLIM, xlim=xlim, ylabel=YLABEL, xlabel=XLABEL

Bind the plot functions to the widgets#

mpl_view    = pn.bind(mpl_view,    year=year, show_legend=show_legend)
plotly_view = pn.bind(plotly_view, year=year, show_legend=show_legend)
altair_view = pn.bind(altair_view, year=year, show_legend=show_legend)
hvplot_view = pn.bind(hvplot_view, year=year, show_legend=show_legend)

plots = pn.GridBox(
    pn.pane.HoloViews(hvplot_view, sizing_mode='stretch_both', margin=10),
    pn.pane.Plotly(plotly_view, sizing_mode='stretch_both', margin=10),
    pn.pane.Matplotlib(mpl_view, format='png', sizing_mode='scale_both', tight=True, margin=10),
    pn.pane.Vega(altair_view, sizing_mode='stretch_both', margin=10),
