Build a Widget in Python#

In this guide we will demonstrate how to create a custom widget that enables users to select a list of features and set their values entirely in Python.

We will leverage the PyComponent class to construct this custom widget. The PyComponent allows us to combine multiple Panel components into a more complex and functional widget. The resulting class will combine a MultiSelect widget with a dynamic number of FloatInput widgets.

Code Overview#

Below is the complete implementation of the FeatureInput custom widget:

import panel as pn
import param

from panel.widgets.base import WidgetBase
from panel.custom import PyComponent

class FeatureInput(WidgetBase, PyComponent):
    The `FeatureInput` enables a user to select from a list of features and set their values.

    value = param.Dict(
        doc="The names of the features selected and their set values", allow_None=False

    features = param.Dict(
        doc="The names of the available features and their default values"

    selected_features = param.ListSelector(
        doc="The list of selected features"

    _selected_widgets = param.ClassSelector(
        class_=pn.Column, doc="The widgets used to edit the selected features"

    def __init__(self, **params):
        params["value"] = params.get("value", {})
        params["features"] = params.get("features", {})
        params["selected_features"] = params.get("selected_features", [])

        params["_selected_widgets"] = self.param._selected_widgets.class_()


        self._selected_features_widget = pn.widgets.MultiChoice.from_param(
            self.param.selected_features, sizing_mode="stretch_width"

    def __panel__(self):
        return pn.Column(self._selected_features_widget, self._selected_widgets)

    @param.depends("features", watch=True, on_init=True)
    def _reset_selected_features(self):
        selected_features = []
        for feature in self.selected_features.copy():
            if feature in self.features.copy():

        self.param.selected_features.objects = list(self.features)
        self.selected_features = selected_features

    @param.depends("selected_features", watch=True, on_init=True)
    def _handle_selected_features_change(self):
        org_value = self.value


    def _update_value(self, *args):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        new_value = {}

        for widget in self._selected_widgets:
            new_value[] = widget.value

        self.value = new_value

    def _update_selected_widgets(self, org_value):
        new_widgets = {}

        for feature in self.selected_features:
            value = org_value.get(feature, self.features[feature])
            widget = self._new_widget(feature, value)
            new_widgets[feature] = widget

        self._selected_widgets[:] = list(new_widgets.values())

    def _new_widget(self, feature, value):
        widget = pn.widgets.FloatInput(
            name=feature, value=value, sizing_mode="stretch_width"
        pn.bind(self._update_value, widget, watch=True)
        return widget

This is a lot to take in so let us break it down into a few pieces:


The FeatureInput class inherits from pn.custom.PyComponent and pn.widgets.WidgetBase. This multiple inheritance structure allows us to create custom components that behave one of the three core component types that Panel defines Widget, Pane and Panel (i.e. a layout). You should always inherit from the component type base class first, i.e. WidgetBase in this case and the component implementation class second, i.e. PyComponent in this case.

Parameter Definitions#

It defines the following parameters:

  • value: A dictionary that stores the selected features and their corresponding values.

  • features: A dictionary of available features and their default values.

  • selected_features: The list of features that have been selected.

  • _selected_widgets: A “private” column layout that contains the widgets for editing the selected features.

State handling#

The two most important methods in configuring state are the constructor (__init__) and the (__panel__) method which will be invoked to create the component lazily at render time.


In the __init__ method, we initialize the widget parameters and create a MultiChoice widget for selecting features. We also set up a column to hold the selected feature widgets.


PyComponent classes must define a __panel__ method which tells Panel how the component should be rendered. Here we return a layout of the MultiSelect and a column containing the selected features.

Syncing state#

We use @param.depends decorators to define methods that react to changes in the features and selected_features parameters:

  • _reset_selected_features: Ensures that only available features are selected.

  • _handle_selected_features_change: Updates the widgets and the value parameter when the selected features change.

Widget Updates#

The _update_value method updates the value parameter based on the current values of the feature widgets. The _update_selected_widgets method creates and updates the widgets for the selected features.

Creating the Application#

Now, let’s create an application to demonstrate our custom FeatureInput widget in action. We will define a set of features related to a wind turbine and use our widget to select and set their values:

features = {
    "Blade Length (m)": 73.5,
    "Cut-in Wind Speed (m/s)": 3.5,
    "Cut-out Wind Speed (m/s)": 25,
    "Grid Connection Capacity (MW)": 5,
    "Hub Height (m)": 100,
    "Rated Wind Speed (m/s)": 12,
    "Rotor Diameter (m)": 150,
    "Turbine Efficiency (%)": 45,
    "Water Depth (m)": 30,
    "Wind Speed (m/s)": 10,
selected_features = ["Wind Speed (m/s)", "Rotor Diameter (m)"]
widget = FeatureInput(

        "## Widget",
        "## Value",
        pn.pane.JSON(widget.param.value, width=500, height=200),
