Test functionality and performance#
This guide addresses how to use unit and performance testing on a Panel app with Pytest.
Testing is key to developing robust and performant applications. You can test Panel data apps using familiar Python testing tools.
Pytest is the most common Python testing framework. We will use it below to write unit and performance tests. Before we get started, you should
pip install panel pytest pytest-benchmark
Create the app#
Let’s create a simple data app for testing. The app sleeps 0.5 seconds (default) when loaded and when the button is clicked.
Create the file app.py
and add the code below (don’t worry about the contents of the app for now):
import time
import panel as pn
import param
class App(pn.viewable.Viewer):
run = param.Event(doc="Runs for click_delay seconds when clicked")
runs = param.Integer(doc="The number of runs")
status = param.String(default="No runs yet")
load_delay = param.Number(default=0.5)
run_delay = param.Number(default=0.5)
def __init__(self, **params):
result = self._load()
self._time = time.time()
self._status_pane = pn.pane.Markdown(self.status, height=40, align="start", margin=(0,5,10,5))
self._result_pane = pn.Column(result)
button = pn.widgets.Button.from_param(self.param.run, sizing_mode="fixed")
self._view = pn.Column(
pn.Row(button, self._status_pane),
def __panel__(self):
return self._view
def _start_run(self):
self.status = f"Running ..."
self._time = time.time()
def _stop_run(self):
now = time.time()
duration = round(now-self._time,3)
self._time = now
self.runs += 1
self.status = f"Finished run {self.runs} in {duration}sec"
@param.depends("run", watch=True)
def _run_with_status_update(self):
self._result_pane[:] = [self._run()]
@param.depends("status", watch=True)
def _update_status_pane(self):
self._status_pane.object = self.status
def _load(self):
return "Loaded"
def _run(self):
return f"Result {self.runs+1}"
if pn.state.served:
Now serve the app via panel serve app.py
and open http://localhost:5006/app in your browser to see what it does.
Create the unit tests#
Let’s test:
The initial state of the App
That the app state changes appropriately when the Run button is clicked.
Create the file test_app.py
and add the code below.
import pytest
from app import App
def app():
return App(sleep_delay=0.001, load_delay=0.001)
def test_constructor(app):
"""Tests default values of App"""
# Then
assert app.run == False
assert app.status == "No runs yet"
assert app.runs == 0
def test_run(app):
"""Tests behaviour when Run button is clicked once"""
# When
# Then
assert app.runs == 1
assert app.status.startswith("Finished run 1 in")
def test_run_twice(app):
"""Tests behaviour when Run button is clicked twice"""
# When
# Then
assert app.runs == 2
assert app.status.startswith("Finished run 2 in")
Let’s run pytest test_app.py
$ pytest test_app.py
=================================== test session starts
collected 3 items
test_app.py ... [100%]
=============================== 3 passed
Create a performance test#
The performance of your data app is key to providing a good user experience. You can test the performance of functions and methods using pytest-benchmark.
Let’s test that:
the duration of the run is as expected.
Create the file test_app_performance.py
# test_app_performance.py
import pytest
from app import App
def app():
return App(run_delay=0.001, load_delay=0.001)
def test_run_performance(app: App, benchmark):
"""Test the duration when the Run button is clicked"""
def run():
assert benchmark.stats['min'] >= 0.3
assert benchmark.stats['max'] < 0.4
Run pytest test_app_performance.py
$ pytest test_app_performance.py
============================================================================================================================= test session starts
collected 1 item
test_app_performance.py . [100%]
------------------------------------------------- benchmark: 1 tests ------------------------------------------------
Name (time in ms) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers OPS Rounds Iterations
test_run_performance 307.6315 316.8270 312.2731 4.2335 314.1614 7.5190 3;0 3.2023 5 1
Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
========================================================================================================================= 1 passed in 3.23s
Notice how we used the benchmark
fixture of pytest-benchmark to test the performance of the run