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Configure PyCharm#

This guide addresses how to configure PyCharm for an efficient Panel development workflow.

We assume you have a basic understanding of working with Python projects in PyCharm, including running and debugging Python applications.


In the following, we assume you have already created a Python project, installed Panel, and other requirements, and created your Panel file.

Serve from the Terminal#

You can use panel serve to serve apps from the PyCharm terminal, just as you would with in any other terminal.

Panel Serve in Terminal

Run/Debug Configurations#

To learn how to configure PyCharm in general, check out the official guide.

To enable you to run and debug Panel apps in PyCharm, you should create a configuration as shown below:

Configure PyCharm for Panel

  • Configuration Name: panel serve

  • Module Name: panel

  • Parameters: serve $FilePath$

  • Working Directory: The path to your project root


With the configuration in place, you can now easily run Panel apps via the panel serve configuration.

Run Panel App in PyCharm


With the configuration in place, you can now easily debug Panel apps via the panel serve configuration. The picture below shows debugging in action, where a breakpoint is hit when the Button is clicked.

Debug Panel App in PyCharm

Notebook Environment#

PyCharm Professional offers support for Jupyter Notebooks and ipywidgets, enhancing interactive Python development.

To integrate Panel effectively, ensure the installation of jupyter_bokeh by executing pip install jupyter jupyter_bokeh or conda install jupyter jupyter_bokeh. Subsequently, activate the extension using pn.extension().

Below, observe the implementation of a notebook within the PyCharm Notebook Environment.

Panel in PyCharm Notebook Environment