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Create Layouts With ReactiveHTML#

In this guide we will show you how to build custom layouts using HTML and ReactiveHTML.

Layout a single parameter#

You can layout a single object as follows.

import panel as pn
import param


class LayoutSingleObject(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):
    object = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False)

    _template = """
        <h2>A measurement from the sensor</h2>
        <div id="object">${object}</div>

dial = pn.widgets.Dial(
    colors=[(0.40, "green"), (1, "red")],
    bounds=(0, 100),
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},


Please note

  • We define the HTML layout in the _template attribute.

  • We can refer to the parameter object in the _template via the template parameter ${object}.

    • We must give the div element holding the ${object} an id. If we do not, then an exception will be raised. The id can be any value, for example id="my-object".

  • We call our object parameter object to be consistent with our built in layouts. But the parameter can be called anything. For example value, dial or temperature.

  • We add the border in the styles parameter so that we can better see how the _template layes out inside the ReactiveHTML component. This can be very useful for development.

Layout multiple parameters#

import panel as pn
import param


class LayoutMultipleValues(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):
    object1 = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False)
    object2 = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False)

    _template = """
        <h1>Object 1</h1>
        <div id="object1">${object1}</div>
        <h1>Object 2</h1>
        <div id="object2">${object2}</div>

layout = LayoutMultipleValues(
    object1="This is the **value** of `object1`", object2="This is the **value** of `object2`",
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},

You might notice that the values of object1 and object2 looks like they have been rendered as markdown! That is correct.

Before inserting the value of a parameter in the _template, Panel transforms the value using pn.panel. And for a string value pn.panel returns a Markdown pane.

Let’s verify this.

print(type(layout.object1), type(layout.object2))
<class 'panel.pane.markup.Markdown'> <class 'panel.pane.markup.Markdown'>

Lets for fun try another example

    object1="Do you like **beat boxing**?",
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},

Layout as literal str values#

If you want to show the literal str value of your parameter instead of the pn.panel return value you can configure that via the _child_config attribute.

import panel as pn
import param


class LayoutLiteralValues(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):
    object1 = param.Parameter()
    object2 = param.Parameter()

    _child_config = {"object1": "literal", "object2": "literal"}

    _template = """
    .pn-container {height: 100%;width: 100%;}
    <div class="pn-container">
        <h1>Object 1</h1>
        <div id="object1">${object1}</div>
        <h1>Object 2</h1>
        <div id="object2">${object2}</div>

layout = LayoutLiteralValues(
    object1="This is the **value** of `object1`", object2="This is the **value** of `object2`",
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},

Lets check the types

print(type(layout.object1), type(layout.object2))
<class 'str'> <class 'str'>

Layout a list of objects#

If you want to want to layout a dynamic List of objects you can use a for loop.

import panel as pn
import param


class LayoutOfList(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):
    objects = param.List()

    _template = """
    <div id="container" class="pn-container">
        {% for object in objects %}
            <h1>Object {{ loop.index0 }}</h1>
            <div id="object">${object}</div>
        {% endfor %}

            "I **love** beat boxing",
            "Yes I do!"],
        styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},

The component will trigger a rerendering if you update the List value.


You must

  • wrap the {% for object in objects %} loop in an HTML element with an id. Here it is wrapped with <div id="container">...</div>.

  • close all HTML tags! <hr> is valid HTML, but not valid with ReactiveHTML. You must close it as <hr/>.

You can optionally

  • get the index of the {% for object in objects %} loop via {{ loop.index0 }}.

Create a list like layout#

If you want to create a list like layout similar to Column and Row, you can combine NamedListLike and ReactiveHTML.

import panel as pn
import param


class ListLikeLayout(pn.layout.base.NamedListLike, pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):
    objects = param.List()

    _template = """
    <div id="container" class="pn-container">
        {% for object in objects %}
            <h1>Object {{ loop.index0 }}</h1>
            <div id="object">${object}</div>
        {% endfor %}

layout = ListLikeLayout(
    "I love beat boxing",
    "Yes I do!",
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},

You can now use [...] indexing and the .append, .insert, pop, … methods that you would expect.


You must list NamedListLike, ReactiveHTML in exactly that order when you define the class! The other way around ReactiveHTML, NamedListLike will not work.

Layout a dictionary#

If you want to layout a dictionary, you can use a for loop on the .items().

import panel as pn
import param


class LayoutOfDict(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):
    object = param.Dict()

    _template = """
    <div id="container" class="pn-container">
         {% for key, value in object.items() %}
            <h1>{{ loop.index0 }}. {{ key }}</h1>
            <div id="value">${value}</div>
        {% endfor %}

    "Intro":  "I **love** beat boxing",
    "Example": "",
    "*Outro*": "Yes I do!"
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},


Please note

  • We can insert the key as a literal value only using {{ key }}. Inserting it as a template variable ${key} will not work.

  • We must not give the HTML element containing {{ key }} an id. If we do, an exception will be raised.