
Module contents#

The FastGridTemplate provides a grid layout based on React Grid Layout similar to the Panel ReactTemplate but in the style and enabling the use of Fast components.

class*, accent_base_color, background_color, corner_radius, font, font_url, header_accent_base_color, header_neutral_color, main_layout, neutral_color, shadow, sidebar_footer, theme_toggle, breakpoints, cols, compact, dimensions, prevent_collision, row_height, save_layout, _actions, base_target, base_url, busy_indicator, collapsed_sidebar, favicon, header, header_background, header_color, logo, main, main_max_width, manifest, meta_author, meta_description, meta_keywords, meta_refresh, meta_viewport, modal, notifications, sidebar, sidebar_width, site, site_url, title, config, design, location, theme, name)[source]#

Bases: FastGridBaseTemplate

The FastGridTemplate is a grid based Template with a header, sidebar and main area. It is based on the style and works well in both default (light) and dark mode.



>>> template = pn.template.FastGridTemplate(
...     site="Panel", title="FastGridTemplate", accent="#A01346",
...     sidebar=[pn.pane.Markdown("## Settings"), some_slider],
... ).servable()
>>> template.main[0:6,:] = some_python_object

Some accent colors that work well are #A01346 (Fast), #00A170 (Mint), #DAA520 (Golden Rod), #2F4F4F (Dark Slate Grey), #F08080 (Light Coral) and #4099da (Summer Sky).

Please note the FastListTemplate cannot display in a notebook output cell.

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.template.base.BaseTemplate: config, theme

panel.template.base.BasicTemplate: location, busy_indicator, collapsed_sidebar, header, main_max_width, sidebar, sidebar_width, modal, notifications, logo, favicon, title, site, site_url, manifest, meta_description, meta_keywords, meta_author, meta_refresh, meta_viewport, base_url, base_target, header_background, header_color, _actions

panel.template.react.ReactTemplate: main, compact, cols, breakpoints, row_height, dimensions, prevent_collision, save_layout design, accent_base_color, background_color, corner_radius, font, font_url, header_neutral_color, header_accent_base_color, neutral_color, theme_toggle, shadow, sidebar_footer, main_layout