Rendering DataFrames using ESM components#

In this guide we will show you how to implement ESM components with a DataFrame parameter.

Creating a JSComponent#

In this example we will show you how to create a custom DataFrame Pane. The example will be based on the GridJS table.

import random
import pandas as pd
import param
import panel as pn

from panel.custom import JSComponent

class GridJS(JSComponent):

    object = param.DataFrame()

    _esm = """
    import * as gridjs from ""

    function get_config(model) {
      const data = model.object
      const columns = Object.keys(data).filter(key => key !== "index");
      const rows = []
      for (let index=0; index < data["index"].shape[0]; index++) {
        const row = => data[key][index])
      return {columns: columns, data: rows, resizable: true, sort: true}

    export function render({model, el}) {
      const config = get_config(model)
      const grid = new gridjs.Grid(config).render(el)
      model.on('object', () => grid.updateConfig(get_config(model)).forceRender())

    __css__ = [

def data(event):
  return pd.DataFrame([
    ["John", "", "(353) 01 222 3333", random.uniform(0, 1)],
    ["Mark", "", "(01) 22 888 4444", random.uniform(0, 1)],
    ["Eoin", "", "0097 22 654 00033", random.uniform(0, 1)],
    ["Sarah", "", "+322 876 1233", random.uniform(0, 1)],
    ["Afshin", "", "(353) 22 87 8356", random.uniform(0, 1)]
  ], columns= ["Name", "Email", "Phone Number", "Random"])

update_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="UPDATE", button_type="primary")

grid = GridJS(object=pn.bind(data, update_button), sizing_mode="stretch_width")

pn.Column(update_button, grid).servable()

The main challenge of creating this component is understanding the structure of data.value and how it can be converted to a format (config) that gridjs.Grid accepts.

To help you understand what the data.value and config values looks like, I’ve logged them to the browser console using console.log.

DataFrame in the console

Creating a ReactComponent#

Now let’s see how to implement the same thing using the GridJS React integration.

import random
import pandas as pd
import param
import panel as pn

from panel.custom import PaneBase, ReactComponent

class GridJS(ReactComponent):

    object = param.DataFrame()

    _esm = """
	import { useEffect, useState } from "react"
    import { Grid } from ""

    function get_config(data) {
      const columns = Object.keys(data).filter(key => key !== "index");
      const rows = []
      for (let index=0; index < data["index"].shape[0]; index++) {
        const row = => data[key][index])
      return {columns: columns, data: rows, resizable: true, sort: true}

    export function render({model, el}) {
      const [data] = model.useState("object")
	  const [config, setConfig] = useState(get_config(data))
      useEffect(() => {
        const newConfig = get_config(data);
      }, [data])
      return <Grid {...config}></Grid>

    __css__ = [

def data(event):
  return pd.DataFrame([
    ["John", "", "(353) 01 222 3333", random.uniform(0, 1)],
    ["Mark", "", "(01) 22 888 4444", random.uniform(0, 1)],
    ["Eoin", "", "0097 22 654 00033", random.uniform(0, 1)],
    ["Sarah", "", "+322 876 1233", random.uniform(0, 1)],
    ["Afshin", "", "(353) 22 87 8356", random.uniform(0, 1)]
  ], columns= ["Name", "Email", "Phone Number", "Random"])

update_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="UPDATE", button_type="primary")

grid = GridJS(object=pn.bind(data, update_button), sizing_mode="stretch_width")

pn.Column(update_button, grid).servable()