panel.theme package#
Module contents#
The theme module contains Design and Theme components.
Each Design applies a coherent design system (e.g. bootstrap or material) to a template or a set of components, while Theme objects implement different color palettes (e.g. dark or default).
- class panel.theme.Bootstrap(theme=None, **params)[source]#
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: theme
- class panel.theme.DarkTheme(*, base_css, bokeh_theme, css, name)[source]#
Baseclass for dark themes.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
base_css = Filename(check_exists=True, default=PosixPath('/Users/runner/work/panel/panel/panel/theme/css/dark.css'), label='Base css', search_paths=[])
A stylesheet declaring the base variables that define the color scheme. By default this is inherited from a base class.
bokeh_theme = ClassSelector(class_=(<class 'bokeh.themes.theme.Theme'>, <class 'str'>), default=<bokeh.themes.theme.Theme object at 0x109c84c50>, label='Bokeh theme')
A Bokeh Theme class that declares properties to apply to Bokeh models. This is necessary to ensure that plots and other canvas based components are styled appropriately.
- class panel.theme.DefaultTheme(*, base_css, bokeh_theme, css, name)[source]#
Baseclass for default or light themes.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: bokeh_theme, cssbase_css = Filename(check_exists=True, default=PosixPath('/Users/runner/work/panel/panel/panel/theme/css/default.css'), label='Base css', search_paths=[])
A stylesheet declaring the base variables that define the color scheme. By default this is inherited from a base class.
- class panel.theme.Design(theme=None, **params)[source]#
(viewable, root[, isolated])Applies the Design to a Viewable and all it children.
(model[, ...])Applies the Bokeh theme associated with this Design system to a model.
(viewable[, doc])Provides parameter values to apply the provided Viewable.
([cdn, extras, include_theme])Resolves the resources required for this design component.
Parameter Definitions
theme = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'panel.theme.base.Theme'>, constant=True, label='Theme')
- apply(viewable: Viewable, root: Model, isolated: bool = True)[source]#
Applies the Design to a Viewable and all it children.
- Parameters:
- viewable: Viewable
The Viewable to apply the Design to.
- root: Model
The root Bokeh model to apply the Design to.
- isolated: bool
Whether the Design is applied to an individual component or embedded in a template that ensures the resources, such as CSS variable definitions and JS are already initialized.
- apply_bokeh_theme_to_model(model: Model, theme_override=None)[source]#
Applies the Bokeh theme associated with this Design system to a model.
- Parameters:
- model: bokeh.model.Model
The Model to apply the theme on.
- theme_override: str | None
A different theme to apply.
- params(viewable: Viewable, doc: Document | None = None) tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]] [source]#
Provides parameter values to apply the provided Viewable.
- Parameters:
- viewable: Viewable
The Viewable to return modifiers for.
- doc: Document | None
Document the Viewable will be rendered into. Useful for caching any stylesheets that are created.
- Returns:
- modifiers: Dict[str, Any]
Dictionary of parameter values to apply to the Viewable.
- child_modifiers: Dict[str, Any]
Dictionary of parameter values to apply to the children of the Viewable.
- resolve_resources(cdn: bool | Literal['auto'] = 'auto', extras: dict[str, dict[str, str]] | None = None, include_theme: bool = True) ResourceTypes [source]#
Resolves the resources required for this design component.
- Parameters:
- cdn: bool | Literal[‘auto’]
Whether to load resources from CDN or local server. If set to ‘auto’ value will be automatically determine based on global settings.
- extras: dict[str, dict[str, str]] | None
Additional resources to add to the bundle. Valid resource types include js, js_modules and css.
- include_theme: bool
Whether to include theme resources.
- Returns:
- Dictionary containing JS and CSS resources.
- class panel.theme.Fast(theme=None, **params)[source]#
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: theme
- class panel.theme.Inherit[source]#
Singleton object to declare stylesheet inheritance.
- class panel.theme.Material(theme=None, **params)[source]#
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: theme
- class panel.theme.Native(theme=None, **params)[source]#
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: theme
- class panel.theme.Theme(*, base_css, bokeh_theme, css, name)[source]#
Theme objects declare the styles to switch between different color modes. Each Design may declare any number of color themes.
- modifiers
The modifiers override parameter values of Panel components.
Parameter Definitions
base_css = Filename(allow_None=True, check_exists=True, label='Base css', search_paths=[])
A stylesheet declaring the base variables that define the color scheme. By default this is inherited from a base class.
bokeh_theme = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'bokeh.themes.theme.Theme'>, <class 'str'>), label='Bokeh theme')
A Bokeh Theme class that declares properties to apply to Bokeh models. This is necessary to ensure that plots and other canvas based components are styled appropriately.
css = Filename(allow_None=True, check_exists=True, label='Css', search_paths=[])
A stylesheet that overrides variables specifically for the Theme subclass. In most cases, this is not necessary.