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import panel as pn


The Gauge is a value indicator providing a visual representation of a value as a gauge or speed-o-meter. The Gauge is rendered using the ECharts library so when working in the notebook, ensure you load ‘echarts’ in pn.extension.


For details on other options for customizing the component see the layout and styling how-to guides.

  • annulus_width (int, default=10): Width of the gauge annulus.

  • bounds (tuple, default=(0, 100)): The upper and lower bound of the dial.

  • colors (list): Color thresholds for the Gauge, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.

  • custom_opts (dict): Additional options to pass to the ECharts Gauge definition.

  • end_angle (float or int, default=-45) Angle at which the gauge ends.

  • format str(str, default=’{value}%’): Formatting string for the value indicator.

  • num_splits (int, default=10): Number of splits along the gauge.

  • show_ticks (boolean, default=True): Whether to show ticks along the dials.

  • show_labels (boolean, default=True): Whether to show tick labels along the dials.

  • start_angle (float or int, default=225): Angle at which the gauge starts.

  • tooltip_format (str, default=’{b} : {c}%’): Formatting string for the hover tooltip.

  • title_size (int, default=18): Size of title font.

  • value (float or int, default=25): Value to indicate on the gauge a value within the declared bounds.

The simplest form of a Gauge just requires setting a value which must be within the bounds. The default formatter and bounds assume you are providing a percentage:

pn.indicators.Gauge(name='Failure Rate', value=10, bounds=(0, 100))

If we want to display some other value such as the revolutions per minute of an engine we can set a different bounds value and override the format. Additionally we may also provide a different set of colors defining the threshold points at which the color should change as a fraction of the provided bounds. The colors accepts a list of tuples defining the fractions and the color:

    name='Engine', value=2500, bounds=(0, 3000), format='{value} rpm',
    colors=[(0.2, 'green'), (0.8, 'gold'), (1, 'red')]

You can also change the color of the needle by passing custom options:

    name="Engine", value=2500, bounds=(0, 3000), format='{value} rpm',
    colors=[(0.2, 'green'), (0.8, 'gold'), (1, 'red')],
    custom_opts={"pointer": {"itemStyle": {"color": 'red'}}}

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