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import panel as pn
import param


A PyComponent, unlike a Viewer class inherits the entire API of Panel components, including all layout and styling related parameters. It doesn’t just imitate a Panel component, it actually is one and therefore is a good option to build some composite widget made up of other widgets, a layout with some special behavior or a pane that renders some type of object in a way that is useful but does not require novel functionality.

from panel.custom import PyComponent
from panel.widgets import WidgetBase 

class CounterButton(PyComponent, WidgetBase):

    value = param.Integer(default=0)

    def __panel__(self):
        return pn.widgets.Button(
            name=self._button_name, on_click=self._on_click

    def _on_click(self, event):
        self.value += 1

    def _button_name(self):
        return f"count is {self.value}"



If you are looking to create new components using JavaScript, check out JSComponent, ReactComponent, or AnyWidgetComponent instead.



The PyComponent class inherits the entire Panel Viewable API including all sizing, layout and styling related parameters such as width, height, sizing_mode etc.


  • __panel__: Must be implemented. Should return the Panel component or object to be displayed. Will be lazily evaluated and cached on render.

  • servable: This method serves the component using Panel’s built-in server when running panel serve ....

  • show: Displays the component in a new browser tab when running python ....


Styling with CSS#

You can style the component by styling the component(s) returned by __panel__ using their styles or stylesheets attributes.

class StyledCounterButton(PyComponent):

    value = param.Integer()

    _stylesheets = [
        :host(.solid) .bk-btn.bk-btn-default
            background: #0072B5;
            color: white;
            border: none;
            padding: 10px;
            border-radius: 4px;
        :host(.solid) .bk-btn.bk-btn-default:hover {
            background: #4099da;

    def _on_click(self, event):
        self.value += 1

    def _button_name(self):
        return f"Clicked {self.value} times"

    def __panel__(self):
        return pn.widgets.Button(


See the Apply CSS guide for more information on styling Panel components.

Displaying A Single Child#

You can display Panel components (Viewables) by defining a Child parameter.

Let’s start with the simplest example:

from panel.custom import Child

class SingleChild(PyComponent):

    object = Child()

    def __panel__(self):
      return pn.Column("A Single Child", self.param.object.rx())

single_child = SingleChild(object=pn.pane.Markdown("A **Markdown** pane!"))


Calling self.param.object.rx() creates a reactive expression which updates when the object parameter is updated.

Let’s replace the object with a Button:

single_child.object = pn.widgets.Button(name="Click me")

Let’s change it back

single_child.object = pn.pane.Markdown("A **Markdown** pane!")

If you provide a non-Viewable child it will automatically be converted to a Viewable by pn.panel:

SingleChild(object="A **Markdown** pane!").servable()

If you want to allow a certain type of Panel components only, you can specify the specific type in the class_ argument.

class SingleChild(PyComponent):

    object = Child(class_=pn.pane.Markdown)

    def __panel__(self):
        return pn.Column("A Single Child", self.param.object.rx())

SingleChild(object=pn.pane.Markdown("A **Markdown** pane!")).servable()

The class_ argument also supports a tuple of types:

    object = Child(class_=(pn.pane.Markdown, pn.widgets.Button))

Displaying a List of Children#

You can also display a List of Viewable objects using the Children parameter type:

from panel.custom import Children

class MultipleChildren(PyComponent):

    objects = Children()

    def __panel__(self):
        return pn.Column(objects=self.param['objects'], styles={"background": "silver"})

        pn.panel("A **Markdown** pane!"),
        pn.widgets.Button(name="Click me!"),
        {"text": "I'm shown as a JSON Pane"},

You can change the item_type to a specific subtype of Viewable or a tuple of Viewable subtypes.



How-To Guides#

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