Volumetric Imaging#

Published: November 22, 2024 · Updated: November 23, 2024

Volumetric Imaging


Volumetric imaging refers to techniques that capture data in three dimensions, allowing researchers to visualize and analyze the internal structures of objects, including depth and spatial relationships. Unlike traditional 2D imaging, volumetric imaging provides a more comprehensive view of specimens.

One of the most powerful volumetric imaging techniques is electron microscopy (EM). EM uses a beam of electrons to create high-resolution images at the nanometer scale, enabling the exploration of fine structural details of biological specimens such as cells, tissues, and molecular structures. However, handling and visualizing the massive datasets generated by EM poses significant challenges due to their size and complexity.

Introducing Neuroglancer#

Neuroglancer by Google is a WebGL-based viewer designed specifically for volumetric data, offering efficient handling of large-scale datasets through data streaming. Its key features include:

  • Interactive Visualization: Smooth, real-time navigation through volumetric data.

  • Customizable Layers: Support for raw images, segmented regions, and annotations.

  • Web-Based Interface: Accessible directly from browsers without the need for specialized software.

Originally developed for neuroscience, Neuroglancer empowers researchers to explore complex 3D structures by tracing neural pathways, identifying cellular components, and annotating regions of interest.

Integrating Neuroglancer with Jupyter Notebooks#

While Neuroglancer is a powerful tool for exploring large volumes, it is typically used as a standalone application. Researchers often utilize Jupyter Notebooks to conduct reproducible research and combine code, data analysis, and visualizations.

By integrating Neuroglancer within Jupyter Notebooks using HoloViz Panel, researchers can:

  • Consolidate Workflow: Keep code, data analysis, and visualization in a single environment.

  • Enhance Reproducibility: Share notebooks that include both computational steps and interactive visualizations.

  • Facilitate Collaboration: Allow collaborators to interact with the same data and visualizations within the notebook.

Using HoloViz for the Integration#

In this workflow, we will demonstrate how to embed Neuroglancer within a Panel application, highlighting how HoloViz tools can seamlessly extend third-party applications. By using Panel, we can:

  • Embed the Neuroglancer viewer directly within a notebook cell.

  • Create interactive widgets and controls to manipulate and report the state of the viewer.

  • Combine Neuroglancer views alongside other visualizations.





Panel Documentation


Familiarity with Panel for building interactive apps

Imports and Configuration#

import panel as pn
import neuroglancer


Defining the NeuroglancerNB Class#

To embed Neuroglancer within a Panel application, we’ll define a custom class NeuroglancerNB. This class creates a Panel viewable object that includes the Neuroglancer viewer embedded within an iframe, along with controls to load a Neuroglancer state from a URL, display the current state JSON, and generate shareable links.

class NeuroglancerNB(pn.viewable.Viewer):
    A HoloViz Panel app for visualizing and interacting with Neuroglancer viewers
    within a Jupyter Notebook.

    This app supports loading from a parameterized Neuroglancer URL or an existing
    `neuroglancer.viewer.Viewer` instance.

    # Demo URL for loading an example dataset
    DEMO_URL = "https://neuroglancer-demo.appspot.com/#!%7B%22dimensions%22%3A%7B%22x%22%3A%5B6.000000000000001e-9%2C%22m%22%5D%2C%22y%22%3A%5B6.000000000000001e-9%2C%22m%22%5D%2C%22z%22%3A%5B3.0000000000000004e-8%2C%22m%22%5D%7D%2C%22position%22%3A%5B5029.42333984375%2C6217.5849609375%2C1182.5%5D%2C%22crossSectionScale%22%3A3.7621853549999242%2C%22projectionOrientation%22%3A%5B-0.05179581791162491%2C-0.8017329573631287%2C0.0831851214170456%2C-0.5895944833755493%5D%2C%22projectionScale%22%3A4699.372698097029%2C%22layers%22%3A%5B%7B%22type%22%3A%22image%22%2C%22source%22%3A%22precomputed%3A%2F%2Fgs%3A%2F%2Fneuroglancer-public-data%2Fkasthuri2011%2Fimage%22%2C%22tab%22%3A%22source%22%2C%22name%22%3A%22original-image%22%7D%2C%7B%22type%22%3A%22image%22%2C%22source%22%3A%22precomputed%3A%2F%2Fgs%3A%2F%2Fneuroglancer-public-data%2Fkasthuri2011%2Fimage_color_corrected%22%2C%22tab%22%3A%22source%22%2C%22name%22%3A%22corrected-image%22%7D%2C%7B%22type%22%3A%22segmentation%22%2C%22source%22%3A%22precomputed%3A%2F%2Fgs%3A%2F%2Fneuroglancer-public-data%2Fkasthuri2011%2Fground_truth%22%2C%22tab%22%3A%22source%22%2C%22selectedAlpha%22%3A0.63%2C%22notSelectedAlpha%22%3A0.14%2C%22segments%22%3A%5B%223208%22%2C%224901%22%2C%2213%22%2C%224965%22%2C%224651%22%2C%222282%22%2C%223189%22%2C%223758%22%2C%2215%22%2C%224027%22%2C%223228%22%2C%22444%22%2C%223207%22%2C%223224%22%2C%223710%22%5D%2C%22name%22%3A%22ground_truth%22%7D%5D%2C%22layout%22%3A%224panel%22%7D"

    def __init__(
        Initialize the NeuroglancerNB class.

            source (str or neuroglancer.viewer.Viewer, optional): Source for the initial state of the viewer,
                which can be a URL string or an existing neuroglancer.viewer.Viewer instance.
                If None, a new viewer will be initialized without a predefined state.
            aspect_ratio (float, optional): The width to height ratio for the window-responsive Neuroglancer viewer.
                Default is 2.75.
            show_state (bool, optional): Provides a collapsible card widget under the viewer that displays the viewer's state.
                Useful for debugging. Default is False.
            load_demo (bool, optional): If True, loads the demo dataset upon initialization. Default is False.
            **params: Additional parameters passed to the parent class.

        # Determine if a source was provided
        self.source_not_provided = False if source else True
        self.show_state = show_state

        # Initialize the Neuroglancer viewer
        self.viewer = (
            if isinstance(source, neuroglancer.viewer.Viewer)
            else neuroglancer.Viewer()

        # Set up the UI components

        # Configure the viewer

        # Set up callbacks for interactivity

        # If a source URL is provided, initialize the viewer from the URL
        if source and not isinstance(source, neuroglancer.viewer.Viewer):

        # Load the demo dataset if requested
        if load_demo:
            self.demo_button.clicks += 1

    def _initialize_viewer_from_url(self, source: str):
        """Initialize the viewer state from a URL."""
        self.url_input.value = source

    def _setup_ui_components(self, aspect_ratio):
        """Set up the UI components for the application."""
        # Text input for the Neuroglancer URL
        self.url_input = pn.widgets.TextInput(
            placeholder="Enter a Neuroglancer URL and click Load",
            name="Input URL",

        # Buttons for loading and demo dataset
        self.load_button = pn.widgets.Button(
            name="Load", button_type="primary", width=75
        self.demo_button = pn.widgets.Button(
            name="Demo", button_type="warning", width=75

        # JSON pane to display the viewer state
        self.json_pane = pn.pane.JSON(
            {}, theme="light", depth=2, name="Viewer State", height=800, width=350

        # Markdown panes to display shareable and local URLs
        self.shareable_url_pane = pn.pane.Markdown("**Shareable URL:**")
        self.local_url_pane = pn.pane.Markdown("**Local URL:**")

        # HTML pane to embed the Neuroglancer viewer via iframe
        self.iframe = pn.pane.HTML(
            styles={"resize": "both", "overflow": "hidden"},

    def _configure_viewer(self):
        """Configure the Neuroglancer viewer."""
        # Update the local URL and iframe content

    def _setup_callbacks(self):
        """Set up callbacks for interactivity."""

        # Callback for when the viewer state changes

    def _on_demo_button_clicked(self, event):
        """Load the demo dataset when the Demo button is clicked."""
        self.url_input.value = self.DEMO_URL

    def _on_load_button_clicked(self, event):
        """Load the viewer state from the provided URL."""

    def _load_state_from_url(self, url):
        """Load the viewer state from a URL."""
            new_state = self._parse_state_from_url(url)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error loading Neuroglancer state: {e}")

    def _parse_state_from_url(self, url):
        """Parse the viewer state from a Neuroglancer URL."""
        return neuroglancer.parse_url(url)

    def _on_viewer_state_changed(self):
        """Update the UI when the viewer state changes."""

    def _update_shareable_url(self):
        """Update the shareable URL pane."""
        shareable_url = neuroglancer.to_url(self.viewer.state)
        self.shareable_url_pane.object = self._generate_dropdown_markup(
            "Shareable URL", shareable_url

    def _update_local_url(self):
        """Update the local URL pane."""
        self.local_url_pane.object = self._generate_dropdown_markup(
            "Local URL", self.viewer.get_viewer_url()

    def _update_iframe_with_local_url(self):
        """Embed the viewer in the iframe."""
        iframe_style = (
            'frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" '
            'style="width:100%; height:100%; min-width:500px; min-height:500px;"'
        self.iframe.object = (
            f'<iframe src="{self.viewer.get_viewer_url()}" {iframe_style}></iframe>'

    def _update_json_pane(self):
        """Update the JSON pane with the current viewer state."""
        self.json_pane.object = self.viewer.state.to_json()

    def _generate_dropdown_markup(self, title, url):
        """Generate HTML markup for dropdown links."""
        return f"""
                <a href="{url}" target="_blank">{url}</a>

    def __panel__(self):
        """Define how the class is rendered in a Panel application."""
        # Layout for controls (only visible if no source is provided)
        controls_layout = pn.Column(
            pn.Row(self.demo_button, self.load_button),
        # Layout for URL links
        links_layout = pn.Column(self.local_url_pane, self.shareable_url_pane)

        state_widget = pn.Card(
                styles={"background": "WhiteSmoke"},
        # Combine all components into a single layout
        return pn.Column(
            pn.Row(state_widget, self.iframe))

Approach 1: Launching a New Viewer and Loading State from URL#

In this workflow, we’ll initialize a new Neuroglancer viewer and load a dataset using a parameterized URL. This allows us to explore different datasets by simply changing the URL.

To launch an empty viewer, simply omit the source input. You can then use the GUI to insert and load from a parameterized URL to set the state of the new viewer. Click the Demo button or pass load_demo=True to insert an example URL dataset. You can find other demo links on the Neuroglancer repository.

ng_app = NeuroglancerNB(show_state=True, load_demo=True)

Usage Instructions:#

  1. Load the Demo Dataset:

    • Since we passed load_demo=True, we’ll skip this step, but otherwise you could have clicked the Demo button to load the example dataset.

  2. Explore the Viewer:

    • Use the mouse and keyboard to navigate through the volumetric data.

    • Adjust cross-sectional views, zoom, and rotate the 3D view.

  3. View the Viewer State:

    • Click on the State card to expand and view the JSON representation of the current viewer state.

  4. Load a Custom Dataset:

    • Enter a Neuroglancer URL in the Input URL field.

    • Click Load to visualize the dataset.


Approach 2: Displaying a Pre-specified Viewer#

Alternatively, you can provide a pre-configured neuroglancer.viewer.Viewer object as the source to display that viewer in the notebook. This allows you to set up the viewer programmatically and then embed it.

  • We create a Neuroglancer Viewer instance.

  • Within a transaction (viewer.txn()), we add layers to the viewer:

    • An image layer from a precomputed data source.

    • A segmentation layer.

  • We then pass this configured viewer to our NeuroglancerNB class.

  • The viewer is embedded within the Panel app and displayed in the notebook.

# Create a Neuroglancer viewer and configure it
viewer = neuroglancer.Viewer()

with viewer.txn() as s:
    # Add an image layer from a precomputed data source
    s.layers["image"] = neuroglancer.ImageLayer(
    # Add a segmentation layer
    s.layers["segmentation"] = neuroglancer.SegmentationLayer(

# Embed the viewer within the Panel app
ng_app_2 = NeuroglancerNB(source=viewer, show_state=True)

# Display the app

Next Steps#

  • Explore Your Own Datasets: Modify the code to load and visualize your own volumetric datasets.

  • Extend the Application: Integrate additional HoloViews plots or other Panel components to create a more comprehensive application. For instance, you might add controls for adjusting visualization parameters.

  • Share and Collaborate: Use the shareable URLs generated by the app to share specific views or states with collaborators. Embedding the application in a notebook ensures that your analysis and visualizations are reproducible and shareable.




Neuroglancer GitHub Repository

Neuroglancer source code and documentation

Neuroglancer Python Integration

Python interface for controlling Neuroglancer

This web page was generated from a Jupyter notebook and not all interactivity will work on this website.