
import hvplot.pandas  # noqa

Using hvplot with geopandas is as simple as loading a geopandas dataframe and calling hvplot on it with geo=True.

import geodatasets
import geopandas as gpd

chicago = gpd.read_file(geodatasets.get_path("geoda.chicago_commpop"))
Downloading file 'chicago_commpop.zip' from 'https://geodacenter.github.io/data-and-lab//data/chicago_commpop.zip' to '/home/runner/.cache/geodatasets'.
Extracting 'chicago_commpop/chicago_commpop.geojson' from '/home/runner/.cache/geodatasets/chicago_commpop.zip' to '/home/runner/.cache/geodatasets/chicago_commpop.zip.unzip'
community NID POP2010 POP2000 POPCH POPPERCH popplus popneg geometry
5 LINCOLN SQUARE 4 39493 44574 -5081 -11.399022 0 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.67441 41.9761, -87.6744 41...
54 BRIGHTON PARK 58 45368 44912 456 1.015319 1 0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.68424 41.823, -87.68423 41...
48 EAST SIDE 52 23042 23653 -611 -2.583182 0 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.52462 41.6918, -87.52501 4...

Control the color of the elements using the c option.

chicago.hvplot.polygons(geo=True, c='POP2010', hover_cols='all')

You can even color by another series, such as population density:

    clabel='pop density',
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