Using Features Offline#

Creating Environment#

Under the hood, GeoViews features simply wrap cartopy features, so it’s a matter of properly configuring cartopy ahead of time.

  1. Create a new cartopy environment (or use an existing one):

    conda create -n cartopy_env python=3.10
  2. Install the required packages (note that cartopy_offlinedata is about 200MBs):

    conda install -c conda-forge geoviews cartopy cartopy_offlinedata

    Or if you have an environment already, you may just need cartopy_offlinedata:

    conda install -c conda-forge cartopy_offlinedata

Verifying Setup#

Now, we will verify that the shapefiles are available offline.

  1. Ensure offline shapefiles were downloaded:

    from pathlib import Path
    import cartopy
    data_dir = Path(cartopy.config["pre_existing_data_dir"])
    shapefiles = data_dir / "shapefiles" / "natural_earth" / "cultural"
  2. Test GeoViews offline (toggle internet off):

    import geoviews as gv
    from bokeh.resources import INLINE
    coastline = gv.feature.coastline()
    borders = gv.feature.borders()
    world = (coastline * borders).opts(global_extent=True), "world.html", resources=INLINE)

    Please ensure to set resources=INLINE if the machine you’re using is completely offline and you intend to view the output on that machine. Failure to do so will result in the HTML file appearing empty when opened.

Changing Directory#

If you wish to change the default data directory, follow these steps.

  1. Create a new directory and move the data:

    from pathlib import Path
    import cartopy
    new_data_dir = Path("~/.cartopy").expanduser()
    data_dir = Path(cartopy.config["pre_existing_data_dir"])
    data_dir.rename(new_data_dir / "cartopy")
  2. Point to the new data directory within the script:

    from pathlib import Path
    import cartopy
    import geoviews as gv
    from bokeh.resources import INLINE
    cartopy.config["pre_existing_data_dir"] = str(Path("~/.cartopy/cartopy").expanduser())
    coastline = gv.feature.coastline()
    borders = gv.feature.borders()
    world = (coastline * borders).opts(global_extent=True), "world.html", resources=INLINE)
  3. Or set an environment variable CARTOPY_DATA_DIR:

    For sh:

    export CARTOPY_DATA_DIR="$HOME/.cartopy/cartopy"

    For powershell:

    $env:CARTOPY_DATA_DIR = "$HOME/.cartopy/cartopy"

    For cmd:

    set CARTOPY_DATA_DIR=%USERPROFILE%\.cartopy\cartopy

    Please note using tilde (~) in the environment variable will not work.