
import geoviews as gv
import as ccrs

from geoviews import annotate


This notebook documents the usage and design of the annotate coordinator, which makes it easy to draw, edit, and annotate polygon, polyline, rectangle, and point data on top of a map or other plots. The annotate function builds on Bokeh Drawing Tools connected to HoloViews drawing-tools streams, providing convenient access to the drawn data from Python. For a detailed introduction to the annotate function, see the HoloViews Annotator user guide. This User Guide will focus on the additional functionality available for these annotators once GeoViews has been imported:

  • When used with GeoViews elements with a crs, the editable table will display coordinates as latitude and longitude pairs

  • Additional checkpoint, restore, and clear-data tools are added

  • The gv.Path annotator makes a distinction between feature nodes (at the start and end of a path) and regular nodes

In this guide we will demonstrate the usage of these annotators on a map tile source to demonstrate how projections between Mercator and lat/lon coordinates are handled.

Annotating Points#

When annotating a GeoViews element it is assumed that the data is displayed in Web Mercator coordinates (as is the default when working with the Bokeh backend) but the coordinates may be supplied in any coordinate system. Regardless of which coordinates are provided, the table used to edit the coordinates for a GeoViews annotator will always display longitudes and latitudes, making it simpler to edit the coordinate values.

tiles = gv.tile_sources.OSM()

sample_points = dict(
    Longitude = [-10131185, -10131943, -10131766, -10131032, -10129766],
    Latitude  = [  3805587,   3803182,   3801073,   3799778,   3798878])

points = gv.Points(sample_points, crs=ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR).opts(
    size=10, line_color='black', responsive=True, min_height=600

point_annotate = annotate.instance()

annotated = point_annotate(points, annotations=['Size'])

annotate.compose(tiles, annotated)

The annotator will return coordinates in the coordinate system they were originally defined in on the .annotated property. The data of this element can be accessed either using the .dframe method (or .array or .columns):

Longitude Latitude Size
0 -10131185 3805587
1 -10131943 3803182
2 -10131766 3801073
3 -10131032 3799778
4 -10129766 3798878

Alternatively the element can be converted to a shapely geometry:


Annotating Rectangles#

The GeoViews RectangleAnnotator behaves much like the RectangleAnnotator in HoloViews, but also projects the coordinates in the table to be more human-readable. To draw a rectangle, select the RectangleAnnotator tool in the Bokeh toolbar, then double click on one corner and drag to the location of the opposite corner:

rectangles = gv.Rectangles([(0, 0, 10, 10)])

box_annotate = annotate.instance()

annotated = box_annotate(rectangles, annotations=['Label'], name='Rectangles')

annotate.compose(tiles, annotated)

Just like the Points the data can be accessed using the .annotated property:

lon0 lat0 lon1 lat1 Label
0 0 0 10 10

or as a shapely geometry:


Annotating Paths#

The annotator for gv.Path objects behaves slightly differently from the one for HoloViews hv.Path objects, providing support for specifying the sort of boundary conditions typical in certain types of Earth-science modeling. Specifically, when annotating a GeoViews Path, a distinction is made between feature nodes, which describe the start and end point of a multi-line geometry, and regular nodes, which make up the interior nodes of the geometry. Attaching a new path to a regular node will split the existing path, automatically promoting the regular node to a feature node.

    Longitude = [-10114986, -10123906, -10130333, -10121522, -10129889, -10122959],
    Latitude  = [  3806790,   3812413,   3807530,   3805407,   3798394,   3796693])

path = gv.Path([sample_poly], crs=ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR).opts(
    line_width=2, color='black', responsive=True

path_annotate = annotate.instance()

annotated = path_annotate(path, vertex_annotations=['Height'])

annotate.compose(tiles, annotated)

Each path on the annotated element can be selected using iloc or by using .split which will return a list of Path elements representing each geometry:

Longitude Latitude Height
0 -10114986 3806790
1 -10123906 3812413
2 -10130333 3807530
3 -10121522 3805407
4 -10129889 3798394
5 -10122959 3796693

Path elements also support the geom method:


Annotating Polygons#

The GeoViews Polygons annotator behaves much like the annotator in HoloViews but also projects the coordinates in the table to be more readable:

poly = gv.Polygons([sample_poly], crs=ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR)

poly_annotate = annotate.instance()

annotated = poly_annotate(poly, annotations=['Value'], vertex_annotations=['Height'])

annotate.compose(tiles, annotated)

Accessing Polygons works the same as with Path elements:

Longitude Latitude Value Height
0 -10114986 3806790
1 -10123906 3812413
2 -10130333 3807530
3 -10121522 3805407
4 -10129889 3798394
5 -10122959 3796693
6 -10114986 3806790

and can also be converted to shapely geometries:

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